freeze dried bloodworms

Freeze-drying retains MOST of the food's flavor and nutrition, but not all. The frozen stuff is more natural and takes no time to rehydrate. I have read that freeze dried foods can cause some internal damage if a fish eats it before it rehydrates - this could be hogwash.

Anyway, bloodworms are actually midge larvae (mosquito-like insects) instead of worms. Live foods such as larvae and worms are nutritious, and they really should be supplemented to your fishes' diets. However they are also very fatty and should not be the sole food, nor should they be fed every day to your fish. But they love 'em and it helps bring out the color very nicely!
this thread has been very helpful for me.

I bought a tub of freeze dried BW's not too long ago for my fish (mainly because my Betta was only eating prawns at the time and I wanted to add something to his diet). My fish barely touch them... this may be because they float on the surface but I don't know (my fish get hand-fed for some bizarre reason so will only eat food if its placed below the surface of the water. I even tried shredding the Betta's prawns up and putting them in but he turned his nose up unless I was hand feeding him. :huh: )
ladynaoko said:
this thread has been very helpful for me.

I bought a tub of freeze dried BW's not too long ago for my fish (mainly because my Betta was only eating prawns at the time and I wanted to add something to his diet). My fish barely touch them... this may be because they float on the surface but I don't know (my fish get hand-fed for some bizarre reason so will only eat food if its placed below the surface of the water. I even tried shredding the Betta's prawns up and putting them in but he turned his nose up unless I was hand feeding him. :huh: )
that fish is spoiled rotten....LOL evertime i stick my hand in to bury the plants my pleco digs up my guppys will literally try to get in my hand , they :wub: it when i get close to the tank. They know daddy is about to feed (or at least they think that ) I start seeing my corys wagging on the bottom when dinner time is here LOL :lol:
ladynaoko said:
freeze dried BW's ... . My fish barely touch them... this may be because they float on the surface but I don't know
Did you ever try soaking them in water to rehydrate them? That might work. Of course, if you don't want to go to that hassle, I'm sure they'd love the frozen stuff.
i tired freeze dried, but mine hated them!

so i went back to frozen, they seem to like chasing frozen more
I use frozen foods along with staple flakes and spirulina flakes. The only freeze dried stuff that my fish will go for are plankton, and they seem to not be able to get enough when they do get it. But they do love frozen bloodworms, mysis shrimp, grass shrimp, and daphnia.
I would say frozen blood worms are more like a snack, which should be given once in awhile. My fish eat them only when I have to feed my frogies. :thumbs:
animallover said:
I would say frozen blood worms are more like a snack, which should be given once in awhile. My fish eat them only when I have to feed my frogies. :thumbs:
I give them to my fish as a meal at least once a week.

I think they are very good for them, but not too much.
heresmike said:
Cheese Specialist said:
I think they are very good for them, but not too much.
Sorry to sound like a broken record... but why?
Why what?

- Why I think they are good for them?

Because they are full of nutrients beneficial for the fish and bring out their colours. It also helps vary their diet and the love them!

- Why I don't think they should get too much?

Because they are fatty and too much protein is bad for the fish.

Cheese Specialist said:
- Why I don't think they should get too much?

Because they are fatty and too much protein is bad for the fish.
That answers my why.

Never took notice of the nutritional analysis of various foods before. My frozen bloodworms actually have less fat than my flake food, and just a tad more protein.
heresmike said:
ladynaoko said:
freeze dried BW's ... . My fish barely touch them... this may be because they float on the surface but I don't know
Did you ever try soaking them in water to rehydrate them? That might work. Of course, if you don't want to go to that hassle, I'm sure they'd love the frozen stuff.
I actually tried that last time I fed them - no good though.

I might use the trick I'm using with Steve (the Betta's) prawn. I'm trying to wean him off hand-feeding because I might be going away for a while so I've been feeding him by tying a line around the prawn, dangling it in the tank and leaving it there.

Because it's not on the surface and doesn't float away he'll eat it quite happily :D
I have some freeze dried tubi flex worms in cubes and they suck!! they don't smell or look very nutritious and the fish ignore them, they just pollute my tank! I wouldn't recommend freeze dried stuff from what I've seen it seems pretty pants :( Stick to frozen, parasite free live and dead but not frozen foods (like tetra delicia)

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