Freeze Dried Blood Worms


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
My angels and Gouramis go nuts for these and expect it daily......

Is it too rich in protein to give it to them daily??

For the past fortnight, I have been giving it to them every second day along with other food but they love the dried blood worms.....
I do it every other day for my two german blue rams, I think its best to give them different foods just so they have a nice variety and its better for them :good:
I feed my lot flakes with algae wafers in the morning then some frozen blood worm in the afternoon,the small guppy and molly fry love the worms and defo seem to grow faster than just feeding them flakes.
You should feed frozen foods about twice a week.

Consider it a treat for the fish.

you should soak them first if worried about constipation.
Yes, this and the high protein content are concerns for blood worms. They are a treat that get some in trouble. I might consider this a member of a "rotation" of treats that are given at most once a week or maybe twice. Since the blood worms would only be one of the treats in the rotation, its interval would be even larger.

The other problem though is that this all varies by fish species, so the advice would vary too. I believe there are some TFF threads out there that discuss the merits/problems of various "treat" foods.

wow, this is getting complicated................constipated fishies........OMG !!!!

I was told to feed some peas to help them "through". Place frozen or fresh into boiling water or a few minutes and then cool, remove the shell, crush and add. Remove any uneaten bits the next day. I added 2 peas for about 6 fish and they left about a third of it. 2nd time they had the lot! They now enjoy 3/4 peas every few days when i remember, or when they arrive on my dinner plate :D

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