Free Molly Fry In Chicagoland Area! Urgent!


New Member
Jul 24, 2011
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I will post more details tomorrow, but I have a serious problem. An older batch of molly fry have now all sexually matured and the male fry are absolutely tormenting the mother. They are pecking at her eyes and biting her fins and will NOT leave her alone and I feel terrible about this. I have nothing to separate the fry from the adults and will most likely not be able to get to buy one for quite some time. I'm in Highland Park, IL (about 25 min from Chicago if there's little traffic) and you can have ALL of the fry for free, as long as you will not use them for feeder fish. They are extremely healthy and growing really well, they're just getting out of hand. Please contact back soon!
You can catch me faster at: [email protected]
Sorry for the late update. The weekend after I posted that I went to get a breeding box to put all the males in. They seem to be doing fine; only problem is that they are quickly growing and almost an inch long. The breeder box isn't too roomy, probably about 7 x 3 inches. If you want ANY of these fish, please please please contact me! My only option is to give them to Pet Supplies "Plus" which does not have very wonderful tank conditions, or to flush them, my very last option. If you have fish you need to give up, like danios that don't really fit in with your aquarium, I will gladly take a couple in return that you take at least 6 of these pesky little fry of mine.
Check out the GCCA site,

North side club, cichlid oriented, but do other species as well. Someone up there will probably take them.
Thanks for the site Tolak! I'll definitely check that out.
As for the other users, think about it this way: die slowly of ammonia poisoning and overcrowding in a store tank, or only a few moments of being flushed? Besides, many of the people on this forum cull their fish by putting them in cold, dark freezers only to yank them back into the open, where they die. I would hate to flush my own fish, however, if it means a shorter death, it would be for their own welfare.
Depending where you are in IL, my own club meets the first Saturday each month and I am sure someone would take your fish home from a meeting. Find us here.
Thanks guys! I really appreciate it. Only thing is that if I mention a 'fish club' meeting to my mom she'll think it's the most ridiculous thing she's ever heard. Big problem there. I'll continue my search, but we may end up giving the fish to Pet Supplies "Plus" this weekend. I'm thinking about getting some balloon mollies once I get rid of these little buggers.
If you're out & about on Sunday check out the GCCA swap;

85 table swap meet, real busy event. Beats Pet Supplies Plus big time.
i wouldn't of thought flushing them would be easy on the fish either. get some mollies by all means but enjoy the same problem. many fish owners are evil people i agree but joining them aint helping.

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