Free Fish!

So change of plans, I had to get them today... The 6.6 Gallon may be a little overstocked right right with 8 Platys, and a Pleco, but I'll be moving the platys really soon, daily water changes until then!
A little overstocked? Lol that's very overstocked. The most I'd put in a tank that small is a single Betta or shrimp. Let's hope you can move them sooner rather than later.

And as mentioned if the plec is a common it will need 100 gallons minimum
I'm still not sure about what kind of Pleco, I posted some pictures in the Catfish section, because the planet catfish pictures weren't all loading. If it is a common Pleco I'll be giving it away, if not then I'm going to keep it if possible. I should be able to move them within two weeks at most. I want to add the Platys to the new tank first, and then the guppies the next week, and the Pleco the week after that. The Pleco will be in this tank longest, but he's still small, so I'm hoping he'll be okay. The tank is 23" long, and 7" wide, so he's got quite a bit of floor room until I get him moved!

Quick question, I was given Spirulina discs with the Pleco, I dropped two in the tank, he ate one, and the Platys are eating the other, is that bad? (Never had Platys, or Plecos, just Bettas...)
Can't see them eating it being a bad thing although I'm not 100% sure. There are more plecs than just commons that will get very big, like leopards and sailfins so the sooner you get an I'd on him the better really. Why not put a pic of him/her on here? Maybe someone here could identify it for you? Even though some plecs are relatively small and get to around 6 inches or so (some more some less) they ALL produce a lot of waste lol
The platys are enjoying it, so I really hope it's not bad! Though if it were bad I'd hope they wouldn't let any fish eat it. Well according to the people in the Catfish section he is a Rubber lip Pleco! Which aren't as big, I heard. I have heard that they produce a lot of waste, and I never had any interest until I got him for free. I'm going to do a lot more research on all the types of fish I got today, thank you all for your answers!

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