Free Endlers

Seems I have a lot more in there than I realised because I still have plenty to go!
C'mon guys, don't make me take them to the LFS. :sad:

I would like some please. Could take 20 if you have them.
Would be mainly after males but females, ok.

Would you like any Hi fin Lyre tail swordtail fry?
That's very kind but no, thank you. Just rather not see them go to the LFS. Where in Essex are you? I'm not far from the Essex border. I think Haverhill is right next to it and I'm about 30 mins away from there.
No worries just seeing if you were interested. Im in Chelmsford. When would be convenient to collect?
Evenings are generally good, except Wed and Thursday this week. Should be around at the weekend as have my assignment to write. Let me know what suits you and I'll see what I can do. You may need to bring a bag or two as I'm a little short. I do have a few still so don't panic if you can't.
I could be there between half 4 and 5? Is that ok? Could you PM me your house number and postcode for sat nav please.
Endlers are settling in nicely. Have really added a variety of colour to my tank. My GF fell in love with your big tank, and i now have to turn my 3ft fry tank into a chichlid tank now.

Thanks alot
her tanks amazing aint it? i couldnt help but stare when i was there :D
:blush: Awww thanks guys. My two last additions (no really, no more to that tank) have settled beautifully and are beginning to make appearances. Ta Dave for them both, the Granulosus is beautifully black and has very clear white markings. The Petricola is defo different to my established bunch but still ever so cute. :good:
P.S:pics in the African section of that tank.
Edit:Still got a bunch of females left if anyone is interested.
:blush: Awww thanks guys. My two last additions (no really, no more to that tank) have settled beautifully and are beginning to make appearances. Ta Dave for them both, the Granulosus is beautifully black and has very clear white markings. The Petricola is defo different to my established bunch but still ever so cute. :good:
P.S:pics in the African section of that tank.
Edit:Still got a bunch of females left if anyone is interested.
Awh why is all the good stuff so far away from me! :sad:
*Bump* Got a bunch of females and fry left to go. Am removing the tank on Saturday so they need to be gone asap or it'll be the lfs. :sad:
*Bump* Got a bunch of females and fry left to go. Am removing the tank on Saturday so they need to be gone asap or it'll be the lfs. :sad:

i still have plenty of room if you want to rehome the rest
Tis up to you. If your filters can cope with another bunch then by all means. I'm not home the next 2 nights so would have to be Friday if that's ok.

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