Free Aquarium Software (mac/win)


A stroke of the brush does not guarantee art from
Jul 16, 2005
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Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, England
Folks --

Merely a reminder for newcomers to the hobby that there are some software tools available for doing many of the aquarium-related calculations.

Fish Tank Tool performs a variety of tasks such as calculating the volume and surface area of an aquarium, estimating the number of fish that can be kept in it safely, and quickly converting between different units of temperature, length, and salinity.

Can I Keep It? is simple application for introducing aquarists to the art of choosing fish for the community aquarium. When you click on the names of the fish you are interested in, incompatible species are dimmed. A brief explanation of any problems specific to the fish are noted in the text box at the bottom of the application window.

The other programs are Brack Calc, More Can I Keep It?, and Soft Water Ware

They're all free, no strings attached. Should run fine on Mac OS X, Mac OS 9, and Windows XP.


Actually I was going to PM you about your software, Neale. I've used Fish Tank Tool and More Can I Keep It; they're great! :thumbs: I downloaded them about a month before joining this forum and then found out it was your software just about a week ago.

Again, great stuff! :hooray:
Nope, More Can I Keep It? is a standalone version with some less common species. Both have 48 species, but the original one covers the stuff newbies would be most interested in.



this looks fun is the more can i keep it a patch (i.e. do i need the origional too) or included?

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