Fragging Gorgonians?

Nov 26, 2005
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Oregon USA
Well, not really fragging but is there n e special way of doing this? I have a rusty gorgonian and 1 out of about 30-40 other tips which r really healthy, seems 2 b unhealthy. It has a wire-like thing at the end of one of the i dont know, tips, for about 1/2 a centimeter and i was wondering if i can just chop it off n e old way or if theres a certain way i should go about it. Experience in this area would b greatly appreciated.
Fragging a gorgonian is not hard.

1) Find a shallow container to work in that will keep the gorg wet
2) cut off the piece you want to frag with either a sharp scissors, razor or metal snips
3) have a piece of live rock ready with a shallow hole drilled in it about 1/4" in width
4) using a razor blade, trim back the gorgonian tissue about 1/2" from the bottom leaving the bare corallite spine. This keeps the tissue away from the frag and getting inflamed and infected
5) place epoxy putty into the frag hole and insert the spine into it allowing space from the living tiss and allow the epoxy to harden

Fragged gorgonian. Good luck. SH
Can someone explain to me what fragging is?

-Arrowhead :ninja:

When you take a cutting or 'frag' from exisiting corals in your tank, and propagate them, using a variety of methods. Propagating meaning reproducing multiple specimens from a single specimen. :thumbs:

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