Ok, im having one of those real mind blank moments!!
I need to raise money and come up with new ideas. So fragging corals it is LOL...
Its easy to buy big rocks with 100+ different coloured zoas on and yet people want frags for a couple of quid lessand im not complaining...
However, what are those discs that people stick frags on and where can you get them? I cant search for them as i dont know what they would be called and 'disc thingy' doesnt go far in google!
I have got the hand of levering zoas and supergluing them to bits of rock and they are growing already and look great...
But how do you frag softies? I assume you can? Like tree corals and or mushies like riccordea or rhodactis? Or do you have to wait for them to rproduce on their own?
And can you stick mushies to things? Superglue doesnt cut it, they just slime themselves off the superglue and scarper accross the tank!
I am wanting to completely redo the Kent Marine tank already lol but i want patches of zoas not a big mish mash of colour, and im wondering if i can glue zoas onto the back panel of the tank and if they would be able to grow accross the plastic surface?
I really really want some tonga branching liverock *sigh*
Ohhh... Gorgonians... I kept one in an old tank but had no idea of what i was doing at all, it did shockingly well once we got rid of the horrifically expensive Multicolour Angel that was nipping it. It was just brown/beige and grew fairly quick.
But have since seen other pictures i like with blue tufts (might have been white tufts under blue actinic though!).. in tanks far more basic than the Kent Marine.
It has 2 x Compact T5s plus White LEDs and Blue LEDs. Flow is really quite high but am bouncing flow off the glass at the moment or nothing gets to feed lol.
Not too worried about water stats as i have no intention of putting them in yet.
I would go do more research but i dont even know where to start, species names that might me reasonably easy to keep.
Errm... think thats it for now!!
I need to raise money and come up with new ideas. So fragging corals it is LOL...
Its easy to buy big rocks with 100+ different coloured zoas on and yet people want frags for a couple of quid lessand im not complaining...
However, what are those discs that people stick frags on and where can you get them? I cant search for them as i dont know what they would be called and 'disc thingy' doesnt go far in google!
I have got the hand of levering zoas and supergluing them to bits of rock and they are growing already and look great...
But how do you frag softies? I assume you can? Like tree corals and or mushies like riccordea or rhodactis? Or do you have to wait for them to rproduce on their own?
And can you stick mushies to things? Superglue doesnt cut it, they just slime themselves off the superglue and scarper accross the tank!
I am wanting to completely redo the Kent Marine tank already lol but i want patches of zoas not a big mish mash of colour, and im wondering if i can glue zoas onto the back panel of the tank and if they would be able to grow accross the plastic surface?
I really really want some tonga branching liverock *sigh*
Ohhh... Gorgonians... I kept one in an old tank but had no idea of what i was doing at all, it did shockingly well once we got rid of the horrifically expensive Multicolour Angel that was nipping it. It was just brown/beige and grew fairly quick.
But have since seen other pictures i like with blue tufts (might have been white tufts under blue actinic though!).. in tanks far more basic than the Kent Marine.
It has 2 x Compact T5s plus White LEDs and Blue LEDs. Flow is really quite high but am bouncing flow off the glass at the moment or nothing gets to feed lol.
Not too worried about water stats as i have no intention of putting them in yet.
I would go do more research but i dont even know where to start, species names that might me reasonably easy to keep.
Errm... think thats it for now!!