What andywg says is true, however, I will have to put up some rules WHICH...our members will approve. This is not a one man game here and I, as a mod, have no desire to be the 'know all, say all'. However, there WILL have to be something as a guide to help both people involved. I'll get to work on this and our members will have the final rule on guidelines. If there is any disagreements, we'll put any rule up for a vote. After guidelines are up, mods will be responsible for making sure things 'are proper'.
The pin will go up and then, construction, but be closed until ready for use. We can keep all comments here. Again.....I am putting this thread together FOR YOU with YOUR INPUT. Also, if any of the other marine mods sail in, this is a group effort and I welcome any help/comments. All input and comments for now can stay on this thread which I and any other interested marine mod can monitor. Feel free to comment and also feel free to watch the pin as it develops. SH