Fp. Gardneri Lafia


Fish Addict
May 28, 2006
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Hi everyone, Since we're trying to get a killi forum started I'd start by adding some info about the type of killi I have called Fundulopanchax Gardneri Lafia and hopefully others with other types will put up some info as well. Heres my input on this species.
Heres a picture of a male...

Heres a pic of a female...

This species of killi is under the group called Fundulopanchax and up until a few years ago they were considered Aphyosemion but are now correctly called what I typed above(fundulopanchax). There are many different strains of Fundulopanchax Gardneri including this species Lafia and others like P82, Nsukka, Makurdi and so on. They are probably the most common species of killi and probably one of the only species that are possible to be found in an lfs or lps. They will do well in a community tank but like most killies they dont like light so a light strip isnt advised for a tank with killies.

They are probably one of the best or the best species to start breeding with because they are easily cared for and the eggs/fry are easily cared for also. They are mop spawners which for those of you that dont know its a thing made out of yarn that can easily be floated in the tank with cork or sunkin to the bottum of the tank.(For more on mop spawners look at the pinned topic at the top of the oddball page labeled mop spawning 101) Killies in general breed all the same way, the male kind of does a dance in front of the female and with cooperation from the female she will move toward the spawning mop and then the male comes and wraps his dorsal around her and pushes her into the spawning mop until a single egg is laid and fertilized directly after. Fp. Gardneri species usually lay from 6-20 eggs a day and the spawning mops should be checked daily.

As far as feeding goes they are carnivores and I recommend live food just because it doesnt pollute the water like freeze dried stuff does and IMO flake food is like junk food at least for killies. Also the live food helps in egg production for the females. I feed my killies twice a day with live misquito larvae and if thats not availible I feed freeze dried misquito larvae or krill since thats what I have here but live food is always preferred.

As far as keeping them in aquaria goes any standard sized aquarium is fine but for breeding purposes smaller aquaria is needed, Currently I have 2 pairs both in their own 5.5 gallon tank and with that size tank I could go with a trio if need be because trios of 1 male to 2 females are actually preferred with more aggressive males so it doesnt result in an early death of the female. My killies I've had them for about a month or so(1 male longer than all of the others) and they are great fish, Really rewarding to breed them IMO. If I missed anything give me the heads up because believe it or not I am somewhat of a beginner and I hope this helped someone. Everyone have a good day ;)
Hi Loko. I thought it might be a good idea to buy the eggs to hatch rather than the actual fish in the first place. This was because I had a job locating any. Anyway 2 varieties of eggs were ordered.
The first to arrive was Epiplatys lamottei Salaya [These killis are a nice shade of purple] They were duly put into a small tank with water. The next batch, Fundulopanchex gardneri Udi mountain [pale blue fish with red spots] came the next day. Unfortunately I was not here so my daughter put them into a hatchery in the same tank.- forgot the slits at the bottom are probably larger than the fry!

Fry soon started appearing in the tank, very exciting. Never saw any fry in the hatchery though. - they either didn't hatch or went through the bottom. Both lots of eggs arrived in peat so were very hard to see. Moved the fry to a smaller container to make it easier to feed them. First one hatched 11 july and I am still finding new fry. Must be up to about 18 or so by now. The oldest ones are begining to look more like little fish and are about the size of newborn guppies. They will end up eating the new ones I put in at this rate.

It will be interesting to see whether they all turn out to be the purple ones or if the FP's sneaked in there. I think it may have been a duff batch, I couldn't see any eggs, and they were supposed to go straight into water before you ask!
That sounds really exciting, make sure to post pics when the babes mature. Dont think I've ever seen the ones that are purple so I'm excited to see what they look like. Maybe by the time the fry mature enough to take pics there will be a killi dedicated forum :fun:
Yeah, killifish fry do often eat each other - but If you provide enough brine shrimp, they will probably not do so much. Well feed killi fry grow very quickly, and you can probably get them on to a second food (grindal worms are good) within a week or so (depending on species)

Lampeyes are great killies. Its really charming to see a shoal of adults with fry happily swimming with them.
hey 4ft, you were the one that said something about that alternate breeding practice where its pretty much natural selection right? Which species do you do this with?
hey 4ft, you were the one that said something about that alternate breeding practice where its pretty much natural selection right? Which species do you do this with?

You can do this with all non-annual killifish. I have done it with numerous Aphyosemion, scriptaphyosemion, and fundulopanchax speces over the years. Also works with rivulus and epiplatys

Difficult species that lay few eggs are still probably best picked, and also larger species that are difficult to keep 'full', and can eat their fry for longer (such as Fundulopanchax sjoestedti) which I breed over peat

Picking eggs is effective, but once you've kept killies for a while, you'll soon be overrun. To be frank, you can sell them, but my time is too precious to be worth the extra few pounds, for the extra time fiddling when you don't need to. I use my time raising livefoods for the killies I have got!
ok demon, made paragraphs out of it. Hopefully it should be able to read now :D

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