Last night I was going to my neighbor's apartment, and found a tiny kitten in middle of the parking lot. While I was going into her building I saw an adult cat looking in a window. I walked over and she let me pet her. Since my neighbor just moved in and I'm not familiar with the "owned" cats in her building, I walked away and went back to the kitten. Unlike the ferals and their kittens, this little fellow let me scoop him right up.
Since he is very tiny, and she had said she wanted a kitten, I offered it to my friend, but she wouldn't take it, so it came home with me. On the way in, I showed it to one of the women who feeds our ferals and she said the kitten looked about "one day away from death." She gave me some kitten sized food and suggested that I soak it in water to soften it. It turned out that this wasn't necessary and the little guy just gobbled them up. He was very thirsty too, and drank first.
I snapped a couple of pictures of him, but don't want to scare him further. Here he is in a 20 gallon tank:
He's settled in and eating here. You can see a little better just how skinny he is:
This morning I found that he's used the litter box several times, so I guess that part of him is working OK too. What I'm really worried about is that his eyes are stuck shut with mucus. I guess an early trip to the vet will be in order.
An hour or so ago, I went down and found the mother cat, but no other kittens. I got her to come to me by offering food and water, but when I brought her inside she panicked and bit my hand several times. It took some time in the stairwell to get her to calm down. She never did come to me again, but when I set the open cat carrier down, she ran right into it. I won't even try to get a picture of her yet, but she's a beautiful Siamese looking cat.
The Momma is still so frightened that she hasn't moved a bit from the position she was in when I brought her in almost an hour and a half ago. She can see food and water, and even her kitten in the tank.
Last night I had to take down and re-setup another 20 gallon tank that was blocking the door of my fishroom so I could close it to protect the kitten from my cat Pandora. She is furious with this whole situation and will do nothing but his at me since I brought the kitten in. She actually tried to scratch me a few times.
Right now I'm not sure about what to do. If the kitten survives, I'd like to keep him, but Pandora hates the idea. Someone told me there's a vet in the area that might take them in and find them homes, but I don't know about that for sure. I just feel so sad and worried that these poor little creatures, who were obviously abandoned by their former owner, will be able to have a good and safe life with someone who loves them.
If you have advice, or have had experience dealing with a similar situation, I'd really like to hear what you did and how things worked out for you.
Since he is very tiny, and she had said she wanted a kitten, I offered it to my friend, but she wouldn't take it, so it came home with me. On the way in, I showed it to one of the women who feeds our ferals and she said the kitten looked about "one day away from death." She gave me some kitten sized food and suggested that I soak it in water to soften it. It turned out that this wasn't necessary and the little guy just gobbled them up. He was very thirsty too, and drank first.
I snapped a couple of pictures of him, but don't want to scare him further. Here he is in a 20 gallon tank:
He's settled in and eating here. You can see a little better just how skinny he is:
This morning I found that he's used the litter box several times, so I guess that part of him is working OK too. What I'm really worried about is that his eyes are stuck shut with mucus. I guess an early trip to the vet will be in order.
An hour or so ago, I went down and found the mother cat, but no other kittens. I got her to come to me by offering food and water, but when I brought her inside she panicked and bit my hand several times. It took some time in the stairwell to get her to calm down. She never did come to me again, but when I set the open cat carrier down, she ran right into it. I won't even try to get a picture of her yet, but she's a beautiful Siamese looking cat.
The Momma is still so frightened that she hasn't moved a bit from the position she was in when I brought her in almost an hour and a half ago. She can see food and water, and even her kitten in the tank.
Last night I had to take down and re-setup another 20 gallon tank that was blocking the door of my fishroom so I could close it to protect the kitten from my cat Pandora. She is furious with this whole situation and will do nothing but his at me since I brought the kitten in. She actually tried to scratch me a few times.
Right now I'm not sure about what to do. If the kitten survives, I'd like to keep him, but Pandora hates the idea. Someone told me there's a vet in the area that might take them in and find them homes, but I don't know about that for sure. I just feel so sad and worried that these poor little creatures, who were obviously abandoned by their former owner, will be able to have a good and safe life with someone who loves them.
If you have advice, or have had experience dealing with a similar situation, I'd really like to hear what you did and how things worked out for you.