New Member
Hello all!
This morning I was doing my monthly filter cleaning on my Eheim Pro II filter. When I poured the dirty water out of casing, I found two, 1/2" long baby Corydoras paleatus! Now, I've found tiny zebra danio fry in filters before, but never any fish as big as these. I've got them both in a 10 gallon tank right now, and they seem quite healthy. They've already got the beginnings of the typical Peppered Corydoras color patterning, and they're swimming about and seem very well off for having grown up in a filter for 3 or 4 weeks.
Right now, the 10 gallon has about 3 inches of water in it, a few small pond snails, and a Cherry Shrimp that I also found in the filter. What else should I do? I figure I need to buy a small sponge filter and a small heater - would you suggest anything else? What should I try and feed them at this stage? I was thinking crushed dry food would work - is there something better I should try?
Very excited about my find! Looking for any advice that will help me get these little guys to a size where I can put them back into my community tank.
This morning I was doing my monthly filter cleaning on my Eheim Pro II filter. When I poured the dirty water out of casing, I found two, 1/2" long baby Corydoras paleatus! Now, I've found tiny zebra danio fry in filters before, but never any fish as big as these. I've got them both in a 10 gallon tank right now, and they seem quite healthy. They've already got the beginnings of the typical Peppered Corydoras color patterning, and they're swimming about and seem very well off for having grown up in a filter for 3 or 4 weeks.
Right now, the 10 gallon has about 3 inches of water in it, a few small pond snails, and a Cherry Shrimp that I also found in the filter. What else should I do? I figure I need to buy a small sponge filter and a small heater - would you suggest anything else? What should I try and feed them at this stage? I was thinking crushed dry food would work - is there something better I should try?
Very excited about my find! Looking for any advice that will help me get these little guys to a size where I can put them back into my community tank.