Found Another Lfs, Loads Of Stock And Ended Up Buying!


Fish Crazy
Jan 5, 2005
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I was looking on an aquarium site the other night and saw a link to a store that was nearby, never heard of it before so thought I would take a look at some point. Finished work really early today :D so jumped in the car and with my SatNav in hand and managed to find the store a mere 14mins drive away :hyper:

Nice shop, nothing special but has a nice sellection of Freshwater & Marine fish, saw a nice large Turquoise Rainbow Melanotaenia lacustris in one tank and snapped it up :fun:

Looks just like this one..

It's happily swimming around now with my other Rainbows, shame they only had one :( It was probably an ex display fish judging by it's size and colours or maybe given back to the store by someone :unsure:

Either way I'm happy :lol: :lol:
It's called "Tropicals & Marines" and it's in Mortlake! Never seen it advertised anywhere before.

Another nice LFS for me to use, always good to have a selection ! :lol:
Very nice find !!

What a shame they only had the one. It's been there a few months already - unless they got in new ones again. Just before Christmas some time they had a pair.

I was tempted but they seemed quite different in behaviour to my boesmani's and reds - so I didn't want to chance it.
(Btw. the ones I saw was brought in by a customer who's tank it outgrew).

But sadly have to say they are not my favourite shop at all :no: even though it's just around the corner and technically speaking my local one. Way too many diseased tanks - every single time I go there :/
So just keep an eye out and make very sure the tank you buy from doesn't have any diseased fish in (usually whitespot).
I'm sick and tired of seeing it and having to point out the obvious (so that they can stop selling stock from the diseased tanks). Perhaps they don't care :dunno:

That aside - I buy dry goods there now and again and the couple who work there are lovely people.
Will you tell us how much you paid for it. My LFS was selling red rainbow fish for £6. they were about 2"... Just curious!
Hold your breath... I paid £12.00 for it! :nod: I know it's a bit of a :crazy: price, but it's a really nice fish!

They had some Boesmani Rainbows @ £7.00 each, prices are a little high but this one was worth it in my eyes.
Will you tell us how much you paid for it. My LFS was selling red rainbow fish for £6. they were about 2"... Just curious!
I think the one BettaUK got was probably around the £8 - £10 from what I can remember (is that correct ?)
(Ah I see not - lots happend between Christmas and now, so bit of memory loss there). But £12 is not outrageous for such a beautiful specimen :)

My preferred LFS sell Red Rainbows @ around 3" for around £8.
Hi bloozoo2,

I'm guessing your quite local to me then in that case??

I will keep my eyes open, if I purchase fish from there again! Thanks for the warning.. First impresions were good, tanks are a little small and over crowded although they did seem nice enough people and quite knowledgeable.
Thanks fellas, just like to know wat people pay for fish... Always reckon were being ripped off here in n.ireland, only a few dedicated "fish only" shops, so i guess they can charge a bit more because of low competition! :/
Ah yes just down the Road, I'm currently living in Isleworth! (Not that I like to admit it :lol:)
I know the shop, i've always found them to be a bit on the expensive side and very lacking in the freshwater department but i've been told by many that its a great shop if you're into marines.

The shop i've always found best in the local area is Ashford Aquatics in Vermulens garden center over near the airport, they usually have better than average stock in and the cheapest prices on dry goods locally.
I know the shop, i've always found them to be a bit on the expensive side and very lacking in the freshwater department but i've been told by many that its a great shop if you're into marines.

The shop i've always found best in the local area is Ashford Aquatics in Vermulens garden center over near the airport, they usually have better than average stock in and the cheapest prices on dry goods locally.


Yes I know it, Ashford Aquartics is my LFS when I'm at work!

They sometimes have some nice unusual Freshwater Troipicals and also sell a good selection of TMC Marines, including a few Captive bred Clown Fish.

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