Found a use for those Marineland in tank canister filters I bought when 1st restarting last year…

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
They were “smaller and improved” but I didn’t like the improvement’s putting the ugly filter canister actually in the tank… yep, quieter and self starting, but I always try to hide my hardware, so the pair of them I bought originally, went into the parts tote…

Well now that I’ve set up 4 new 10 gallon tanks for quarantine, hospitalization, and holding tanks… these are not visible with my other tanks, only from the work area behind my tanks, so I don’t mind the canister in the tanks for these

I decided to put them into 2 of the 10 gallons… one will hold the baby tilapia… my 1st batch are growing really well, and the bigger they get, the more of them I’m seeing… right now I think there are close to 20 from my 1st batch… in the next couple weeks, I’ll be moving the fingerlings out, from the breeding tank, and adding the male back, for a 2nd batch…
I also put one of the filters in the tank with fine sand, that I will be moving the Cory’s from the African and Asian tanks into, until I have the next 45 gallon set up, which will be my 1st full sized tank with sand… this one will also be a South American tank so it will be the Cory’s forever home… hopefully the 3 albinos can get along with the 4 black ones… they are all about the same mature size…

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