Found A Tank


New Member
Mar 21, 2020
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Woodinville Washington
Driving to work the other day I saw a tank on a stand on the side of the road. I have been looking for a bigger tank so I snagged it. I took all of the decorations that had been left in it out, all that is left in is gravel and what I believe is a bubbler but unsure still. So after I can truly check if it has any leaks I need to clean it. Here lies the question, what are some tips on proper ways to clean a tank that could have been sitting outside for who knows how long?
Are you sure it's not someone's tank? :rofl: If not you add potassium permanganate to the water in the tank, left it for about 3 days then rinse the tank again and again, check if its leaking or not, if yes you put silicon glue on there.
Id fill the tank up and leave it for 24-48 hrs to check it for leaks.

If the tanks ok and as no leaks you can use either equal parts water and vinegar or 1 part (non-detergent) bleach to 9 parts water to clean it out.

This will break down any residue and water stains and properly sanitize the tank.

I would give it a good scrub and rinse out really well (if using the bleach solution, dont leave it to soak in too long) then let it air dry then id do it for a second time.

Hope it works out for your :good:
How big is big? Do you have a place to clean it besides a bathtub? That's been my problem with all these good buys I see in the paper - people just want them off their hands and don't want to clean them first and 1. I have no way to get it home 2. I'm not strong enough to lift it 3. No place to clean it. Boy I hope this works out for you.
Id fill the tank up and leave it for 24-48 hrs to check it for leaks.

If the tanks ok and as no leaks you can use either equal parts water and vinegar or 1 part (non-detergent) bleach to 9 parts water to clean it out.

This will break down any residue and water stains and properly sanitize the tank.

I would give it a good scrub and rinse out really well (if using the bleach solution, dont leave it to soak in too long) then let it air dry then id do it for a second time.

Hope it works out for your :good:
I picked up two 30 gallon tanks at a garage sale and did the same thing as @Russjw make sure you fill it up someplace where it can sit and drain without doing damage just in case there is a leak. I let my tanks sit outside on my back deck, but in the basement by a drain works if you are afraid someone else may take it :good:
Id fill the tank up and leave it for 24-48 hrs to check it for leaks.

If the tanks ok and as no leaks you can use either equal parts water and vinegar or 1 part (non-detergent) bleach to 9 parts water to clean it out.

This will break down any residue and water stains and properly sanitize the tank.

I would give it a good scrub and rinse out really well (if using the bleach solution, dont leave it to soak in too long) then let it air dry then id do it for a second time.

Hope it works out for your :good:
I agree with this method. If the sun is out where you are, let it air dry in the sun. Use some Seachem Prime on last rinse.
I live at a horse boarding facility so I can clean it in the wash stall very easily and let it sit in an empty stall to see if it leaks, I've had it outside but its been raining all week so hard to tell if it leaks or not yet.
We all want to know how big your “find” is! :)
Well I have gotten the first round of cleaning done on it and so far all the seals look pretty good but the rim on the tank is cracked, think it is okay to leave on still? It is a 29 gallon tank
Could you post photos of the cracked rim please? We have members who have successfully dealt with this type of damge and they'll be able to advise you.
I just put silicon glue on 4 sides and on the rims and it work too, if you’re still scared if it will leak you can put a small glass pane on top of the crack and glued it. As you can see here in the picture, I got this leak tank from my friend and I fixed it.


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