Found a great fish store on Long Island

nashnutny said:
Later in the Fall they will be rotated into larger tanks and prepared for spawning when I can find appropriate females. The multi colored Crown and the Petco Blue one will both make good candidates.
They're all beautiful, and it's good you have some time to plan the breeding! However, I hope you give some thought as to whether to breed the veiltail. If you stick with the crowns (or nearly anything non-veil-tail), you'll have a much easier time finding homes for the babies. Veiltails can be difficult to sell - think of how many there are in any petco, walmart, or petsmart that are never sold. :(
-_- Unfortunately that's very true. Another problem is color. The local stores here are just loaded down with blues and reds... not much else. The blue is dark enough to search for a dark blue/black female or perhaps a dark marble. I would really like to work with the marble line on him. He's darker than he shows. It might also be interesting to breed him to a dark crown tail.

The red is a very nice little fish but just too common here. Nice temperment, nice fins, etc but just too common.
Theres a good place called pets on hempsted turnpike just b4 the seaford oysterbay exp. They have alot of fish and animals but they are expensive. Theres also a place in wantah over by the mcdonalds and brands called animals alive, They dont have a large selection but they are fairly priced and take good care of there animals, Im hopin to get a job there in the near future.
:D Pets is just where I got the two Crown Tails. I was amazed at the selection of fish and items they had. I'm headed back tomorrow to pick up a couple small all glass aquariums as alternate tanks for the bettas.
You are talking about Long Island, New York, right? If you are, I seriously need to look this place up and check it out.

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