Found A Filter


Fish Addict
Dec 8, 2005
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off in my own little world
I finally found a filter that will fit in the 1 gal tank... but since I'll be taking out his under gravel filter and air stone and practically re-doing his tank... will he be ok when I put him back in there? I'm not really planning on cleaning the gravel.... just cleaning the goop out of the bottom of the tank.... Is there anything I can do to make his switch as un-stressful as possible?
If you have a cup or something that has been washed but not recently and has no soap smell to it then pour some of his water in there and put him in the cup then you can take the gravel out and rinse it off and when you put the gravel back in you can put the filter in then let it run a few minutes then pour him back in the tank and thats all you have to do and thats what I would do to. I also remove my betta from my 1g when I clean it because I usually empty the water and rinse the gravel while he is in a container. Is it a sponge filter?
it's a small world filter... i think it's a charcoal filter? although i'm not really sure... it was a filter someone recommended to me.
Ok then that should be fine just be sure to watch the betta for a few days with the filter because with a tank that small he could get stuck on the intake tube or get blown around by the water current. So just be sure to watch him and if he seems to stuggle swimming against the current or gets stuck on the intake tube remove the filter or if possible turn the it down so it doesn't have so much force.
There is no current at all- in fact, it barely ripples the water (it's totally submerged)- he does keep flaring at it though. He was *not* happy I moved him out of his tank to put that filter in though. I'll take a picture tonight and post it.... He seems pretty happy- I put a couple little plants in there as well...


Ok, here's his tank tonight... He's in the corner.

hoping that's a good thing. he seems to like it...

Just FYI... my experience with those filters is that they do little or nothing in the way of filtration. I had one in a 2.5 gallon with a single small goldfish and each time I examined the filter, there was very little waste visible. I removed it and put a small Penguin on the tank and keep the intake set to Low. It does a much better job.

For a single betta in a 1 gallon, it's better than nothing and a power filter would be too much in that small tank. A regular water change is still important.

BTW, I have 6 unused filter carts for that unit. If you pay shipping, they are yours for free as I have no use for them any longer. It's a Penplax, right? PM me if interested.
hoping that's a good thing. he seems to like it...

Just FYI... my experience with those filters is that they do little or nothing in the way of filtration. I had one in a 2.5 gallon with a single small goldfish...
...Why? :huh:

Those filters are not made for mechanical filtration, which explains why they don't have waste in them... the suction is minimal at best. They're pretty much chemical and biological only :nod:
I agree with Wuv, there's really no way for it to suck out big amounts of waste. I have 3 of those, in 2.5 and 4 gallon tanks, and I love them! They really keep the water sparkly clean, and I syphon out "big" waste every day to keep up water quality between WC's.

I bought my neice a 3.5 gallon tank for X-mas (to keep one of my baby girls in, once she grows a bit more), and it comes with one of those. It does help a BUNCH with keeping the water nice and clean between WC's and breaking up the surface. I don't see a big need for a sponge filter in a 1gal, but that's me. I clean my 1gal's every 2-3 days, so there really isn't a need for it. Kairi, if I were you, I'd just go get him a 3.5 gallon Kritter Keeper and put it in there, there is much more room and need for it in a larger tank and the KK's only cost $10.

By the way, this is the tank I got my neice. Yes, it is awesome. I'm getting one for my room, I think! The castle cave is wayyy too cool...
I have seen those here, and was interested in them, but the filter element cartrige has to be replaced monthly, and I was informed that they are no longer importing the replacement cartriges. The little amount of turbulance it causes is very interesting.
I don't personally see why you need a filter on a 1 gallon still need to change the water 100% every week regardelss IMHO.
Yeah, he gets his water changed about once every 5-6 days... sometimes 7- but previously, there was an air stone in there that kind of kept the water moving a little... I liked that- he might or might not have... but I did. This does the same thing, just not quite as much. I don't like stagnant water- even if there is a fish in it.

The Kritter Keepers are only $10?! Where did you get it. My husband has been talking about wanting that little tank for himself for something (prolly crawdads- ick) ... it might be a good idea for Cloud to get a bigger house :)
I shouldn't have said waste - I should have said debris I guess. My issue is that if a filter cart looks perfectly clean, it's probably not doing much - Right? In theory, the bubbles passing through the filter create suction which should draw debris into it. I saw very little evidence of any debris, so I felt that the filter was not doing much.
Kairi, I got my KK's at Petsmart ;)... a really cute, round 2gallon on a pedestal stand for $10, and a large rectangular 4gallon for $12.99, or something. They also have small holes in the hood to put airline tubing through. Aquaviews are great, though! I have 2... but to be honest, if I had the room at all (and I will have the room soon), I'd replace those with large KK's.

Finz, mine has been in the tank for 4 weeks, and the sponge is turning brown. I'm replacing it this weekend with a new filter... I dont really see the need for cartridge replacements (I think I've seen them in 2-packs at Petsmart), because the filters only cost $4 for 2. I definitely see the difference with a filter, especially in a sand-substrate tank.

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