Found A Baby Snail!


Mostly New Member
Jan 27, 2014
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So last night, I went to have a quick look at my fish tank. Out of nowhere, this little tiny baby snail appeared on the glass! My question is, where the hell did it come from?!
Food, plants, fish, anything plastic. Get rid of it before they take over your tank :p
I found the same whilst doing a water change the other day, and again another one yesterday! As already said get rid asap!
My suspicion is from the plants I recently bought. Just keep your eye on your tank ;)
Why get rid of it? I quite like the little guy
techen said:
Food, plants, fish, anything plastic. Get rid of it before they take over your tank
Ditto! These like guys look cute, but in a week you'll have an army of them. :)
Snails are a beneficial part of your aquarium and do not have to be looked at as pests.  I keep snails in all of my tanks and have no real issues.  The snails in the thread posted by a previous poster are MTS (malaysian trumpet snails) which are in my opinion one of the best snails to have in your tank.  They stir the substrate and are great cleaners.  

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