Found A Baby Pepperd Cory In Qt Tank

Out of curiosisty how long did you have your corys before you started noticing eggs?

sorry never noticed this ....

i got them around jan 09 i think ..quite small ...but were spawning before june 09..infact got 2 more juvies month or so ago they are spawning now also dont seem long to wait ...
peppered corys are spawning again tank is a cory only tank well planted and tons of eggs again so hoping to try raising them with parents .....the eggs/babies in qt didnt fair too well but i still have a few going strong ..unsure if filter had something to do with it set up a sponge filter alongside so once cycled see how it goes ...
Hi kbod :)

Good luck with this batch. Raising cory young with their parents is hard to do but if you have lots of plants and other places for them to take shelter, some of them might make it. What happens is that the adults do not distinguish them from other food and will eat them.

the eggs/babies in qt didnt fair too well but i still have a few going strong ..unsure if filter had something to do with it set up a sponge filter alongside so once cycled see how it goes ...

Even with a filter you have to keep up daily water changes for quite some time to remove the growth hormone they produce. Doing this helps a lot with their growth and survival rate.
hi inchworm xxx hope your doing ok xx thanks again for advice xxx

ive been doing regular water changes but i wonder if i should have been using gravel vac more ??????????

as the base was gravel they would hide in it so was worried id suck them up and hurt them ............................

as soon as able to remove babies im gonna remove all gravel from here n leave a sprinkle of sand in base and a piece of bogwood with moss on it .......

so for this lot of eggs im letting them see if any can be raised in parents tank this time ...its very well planted lots of woods/rocks/mosses/ferns/swords etc sandy n gravely areas..infact it has a twisty sort of wood also that stands up like a tree and the parents often sit in it ...well cats do love trees lol xx

how old do babies need to be before they are safe from their parents in cory only tank ???????????

or how old should they be before they can go in another tank???????????????

the filter i run is a aqua-el type but quite big vents so was worried some may have got sucked in ...i now also have 1 of those green sponge /airpump types so gonna run this alongside to cycle it ..

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