Fish Gatherer
I was just looking in my planted jungle to check on my new apple snails,been growing them in a breeding trap until they were big enough to not get crushed by pl*cos. Anyhoos while looking in the very back behind the bogwood I spot what I first thought was a shimp swimming about. Then I thought it must be a baby bristlenose but it wasnt sticking to things. It eventually came closer and I realised it was a perfectly spotted baby cory catfish (sterbai). Any advice on caring for the little guy. Theres nothing in the tank that could eat him and theres plenty of hiding places and food. Can I just get away with leaving him and letting him grow on naturally. When will he join the adults (I only have 3) and whats the chances of there being any more? Its a heavily planted 3 foot tank (40 US gal as its wider than a standard).