Found A Baby Cory


Fish Gatherer
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Scotland (UK)
I was just looking in my planted jungle to check on my new apple snails,been growing them in a breeding trap until they were big enough to not get crushed by pl*cos. Anyhoos while looking in the very back behind the bogwood I spot what I first thought was a shimp swimming about. Then I thought it must be a baby bristlenose but it wasnt sticking to things. It eventually came closer and I realised it was a perfectly spotted baby cory catfish (sterbai). Any advice on caring for the little guy. Theres nothing in the tank that could eat him and theres plenty of hiding places and food. Can I just get away with leaving him and letting him grow on naturally. When will he join the adults (I only have 3) and whats the chances of there being any more? Its a heavily planted 3 foot tank (40 US gal as its wider than a standard).


Although I have no advice I wish you luck and it gives me hope that in my planted tank my blacks may spawn and have some surviving offspring as I dont intend seperating them form the tank at all if the do.

Very, very nice.

How old do you think he/she is?

If you enough try Hakari First Bites. I pre-soke before feeding so it inks to the bottom.

It too old then just feed a part of a sinking tablet (make sure you clean up the surplus afte 30 min.) or frozen/live bloodworm/brine shrimp/etc.

Some people have all the luck....
Very, very nice.

How old do you think he/she is?

If you enough try Hakari First Bites. I pre-soke before feeding so it inks to the bottom.

It too old then just feed a part of a sinking tablet (make sure you clean up the surplus afte 30 min.) or frozen/live bloodworm/brine shrimp/etc.

Some people have all the luck....

No idea how old. I didnt even know they had spawned as i've never seen any breeding behaviour.I do have first bites somewhere but the chances of it getting any before the shrimp devour it are pretty slim but I can try. Also no need for cleaning up surplus as my shrimp army and apple snails make short work of anything edible in the tank.

I'm in a similar situation -- found a bunch of cory babies in one of the tanks -- and I've experimented with the food.
The following four types seem to be appreciated more than others:
1. Hikari First Bites.
2. Decap
3. Hikari Carnivore Wafers (broken into small pieces, almost powder). The adults, incidentally, like them too.
4. Frozen Bloodworms (small).
I alternate them together with a some other foods that seem to be less popular (frozen daphnia, crashed flake, other types of pellets).

The tank they are in, incidentally, also has Amano Shrimps, Apple Snails, Rainbows and Gudgeons. Not a problem, cories are pretty good in locating the food on the ground first... The shrimps are not interested in small food at all....
thats pretty sweet! if its grown from a fry to the size it is now, it should be fine to stay in there with you carrying on what you have been doin. where did it come from though? are there c.sterbai in that tank?

on the "do you think there could be anymore?" scenario, the plecos may have eaten the eggs that they could but one may have been laid in a place they couldn't reach. my corys managed to lay eggs behind my heater somehow and these were out of reach from other egg eaters. these eggs went hard, i scraped them into a net and they have successfully hatched :shifty:

personally, i wouldnt risk putting the baby in with the adults, thats if they are in seperate tanks and you didnt accidentally transfer a plants with the egg on it to a different tank or something, because of inbreeding once it gets to a size where it can breed. i mean, the suprise may just happen again :hyper:

congradulations :good: i just wish when you plan on breeding corys it was that easy lol :fun:
thats pretty sweet! if its grown from a fry to the size it is now, it should be fine to stay in there with you carrying on what you have been doin. where did it come from though? are there c.sterbai in that tank?

on the "do you think there could be anymore?" scenario, the plecos may have eaten the eggs that they could but one may have been laid in a place they couldn't reach. my corys managed to lay eggs behind my heater somehow and these were out of reach from other egg eaters. these eggs went hard, i scraped them into a net and they have successfully hatched :shifty:

personally, i wouldnt risk putting the baby in with the adults, thats if they are in seperate tanks and you didnt accidentally transfer a plants with the egg on it to a different tank or something, because of inbreeding once it gets to a size where it can breed. i mean, the suprise may just happen again :hyper:

congradulations :good: i just wish when you plan on breeding corys it was that easy lol :fun:

Yep theres 3 adults in the tank. I'm just going to leave him. Last night one of the adults was feeding near the baby and there were no issues.
That is a cool looking little cory. I would guess him at over a half inch in length so he should be fine continuing to forage for himself. My bet is that you are right and have lots more fry hiding in the plants. I have completely lost all of my habrosus cories because I put such heavy cover in for them. I see one once in a while but I can never begin to count them. A fry would be even harder to find.
Taht is a cool looking little cory. I would guess him at over a half inch in length so he should be fine continuing to forage for himself. My bet is that you are right and have lots more fry hiding in the plants. I have completely lost all of my habrosus cories because I put such heavy cover in for them. I see one once in a while but I can never begin to count them. A fry would be even harder to find.

I found another and both of the babies will actually swim with the adults!!
Heres a better pic, can anyone guage what age they are (never bred corys before).

Oh man, wow I didn't even look at the date.

I found the topic at the bottom of the screen when I was looking at another topic.

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