Fish Crazy
Well Le Frogs survived the massive water changeand they seem to be happier and more active. Now I have another question these are African Dwarf frogs and I know for sure at least one of them is male the other may be female but I am unsure right now. My question is why do I never hear them sing? What time of the day do they sing for you guys who have these types of Frogs? Could they not be happy and therefore not be singing?
Thanks, Phil.
I am going back to the year dot, here, but when I first breed them in the 1960's, they were considered to be just annual creatures that bred and died out in shallow African puddles after a year of life, like killifish are supposed to. (I proved that wrong by keeping 5 types of DAF alive in a deep water tank for a world record of roughly 39 years...)
They way I did it in those day was to lower the water level bit-by-bit every day for a month - and then suddenly raise it - with pure, cold tap water via a watering-can sprinkler to simulate rainfall... Worked every time for me..!