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Well Le Frogs survived the massive water change :nod: and they seem to be happier and more active. Now I have another question these are African Dwarf frogs and I know for sure at least one of them is male the other may be female but I am unsure right now. My question is why do I never hear them sing? What time of the day do they sing for you guys who have these types of Frogs? Could they not be happy and therefore not be singing?

Thanks, Phil.

I am going back to the year dot, here, but when I first breed them in the 1960's, they were considered to be just annual creatures that bred and died out in shallow African puddles after a year of life, like killifish are supposed to. (I proved that wrong by keeping 5 types of DAF alive in a deep water tank for a world record of roughly 39 years...)
They way I did it in those day was to lower the water level bit-by-bit every day for a month - and then suddenly raise it - with pure, cold tap water via a watering-can sprinkler to simulate rainfall... Worked every time for me..!
:hyper: That's ingenious! How did you think of that? Amazing purely amazing. How many frogs did you end up with after that period of time 30 some odd years?

I assume maturity would be at about 1 year of age then Colin? I got these guys last Sunday when do you think the pet shop would have gotten them they are a large chain Petsmart. I figure the most profitable way for them would to buy they frogs once they are fully developed frogs fresh out of the tadpole stage and then sell them and figure the frogs won't have time to breed before they die of shock or incompetence on the owners part (my situation I believe XD) And then they'll buy more and the vicious cycle continues. Any takes on this? The age large pet suppliers buy frogs?
if they are an annual frog then they should mature within a few months.

Some shops buy in young frogs and others buy in old frogs. It just depends on what is available at the time. If your frogs are close to full grown then they will be mature.
As far as I have read ADF's at most will achieve a growth of 1.5-2" in length. -Goes and measures frogs- From head to foot he is about an 1.5" his torso is about an inch maybe less... So I guess they are mature... I read somewhere that ADF's sing more in warm water I have t at about 23-24 centigrade ya think it is too cold for them to sing?
I would leave the temperature alone and just let the frogs settle in to their new home. You have only had them for a few days and they could be suffering from malnutrition if they weren't fed well at the shop. Feed them a varied diet and keep the water clean and see what happens in a couple of weeks. Once they have settled in and have been on good food for a while they should start to think about being promiscuous :)
Thats true =] The shop I bought them from had easily 20 of the lil guys in one 20 gallon with a bunch of guppies I believe :angry: poor guys should have had more room. Plus some of them had trouble swimming to the surface because they had the tank filled to the brim. Once my water has stabilized I plan on getting a few more in with these guys and maybe a fish or two I'll prolly end up with only frogs though :rolleyes: because the little guys are so cute
Yippe I got paid and went to the LFS right away. I over spent a little too much so i probably won't get that ham radio headset I've had my eye on XD.

I picked up:
5 underwater plants (plastic) One of these I converted to a floating plant ;)
A gravel cleaner
Cycle (the product of course cost me around 20 bucks >.<)
Tadpole and frog bites
Ammonia and PH test kits
Cave (for them to hide in =])
Some filter sponges (backups)

All in all a good trip.

One question though I tested my water came up with 1 ppm Ammonia and around 7.6 PH I did a 20% water change and it seems to have not changed anything ammonia is stable at 1 ppm. Any suggestions?
Thanks, Phil.

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