New Member
So here is my situation, I got a tank and cleaned it out. I cleaned the gravel that went in it and filled it up with tap water. I de-chlorinated the tap water and let it sit for about two hours. I then placed the frogs in the tank still sealed in their bag. I released the frogs about an hour later dumping the water from the Petsmart cycled tank in with them. So my question is will they die because their tank was not cycled? I went online later and read about my frogs and cycling tanks and I am worried they may die... They seem healthy enough I've had them since Sunday April 6 2008 and they eat their food and are active.
Other not so important questions:
How often do they mate per month, per year?
Is the male chirping loud?
How many can I have in a 10 U.S gallon tank?
My male frog "sticks" himself to the filter and sits there perpendicular to the floor of the tank he is able to get water and get off when he wants to, why is he doing it, anyone else experience this?
I clean my hands with that no water hand sanitizer stuff then rinse my hands is that clean enough?
I have a glass top on top of the tank, it has one hole about 3 inches by two inches in the corner with cords coming out I have mesh over that. I have an air pump running is that enough to keep these little guys with enough air?
I am feeding them brine shrimp cubes I cut them up into 8ths and feed them two 8ths for a total of 1/4 a cube is that enough? (The cubes are 1/2" in width length and height.)
I keep the light on in my room during the day and turn it off at night is that enough light for them?
I have a heater in the tank and it keeps the water at a stable 23 degrees centigrade that should be warm enough for them right?
I am going to get a ph testing kit soon is there a way to test their water ph without the kit?(I am a student and I am short on money so I have to wait for payday and I have none right now but should have enough by the 15th.)
Thats all... For now
Thank you to all and anyone who posts I can't wait to speak with ya'll.
Other not so important questions:
How often do they mate per month, per year?
Is the male chirping loud?
How many can I have in a 10 U.S gallon tank?
My male frog "sticks" himself to the filter and sits there perpendicular to the floor of the tank he is able to get water and get off when he wants to, why is he doing it, anyone else experience this?
I clean my hands with that no water hand sanitizer stuff then rinse my hands is that clean enough?
I have a glass top on top of the tank, it has one hole about 3 inches by two inches in the corner with cords coming out I have mesh over that. I have an air pump running is that enough to keep these little guys with enough air?
I am feeding them brine shrimp cubes I cut them up into 8ths and feed them two 8ths for a total of 1/4 a cube is that enough? (The cubes are 1/2" in width length and height.)
I keep the light on in my room during the day and turn it off at night is that enough light for them?
I have a heater in the tank and it keeps the water at a stable 23 degrees centigrade that should be warm enough for them right?
I am going to get a ph testing kit soon is there a way to test their water ph without the kit?(I am a student and I am short on money so I have to wait for payday and I have none right now but should have enough by the 15th.)
Thats all... For now