Forced Heater Replacement


Fish Herder
Dec 1, 2005
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So I am busy redecorating at the moment, including a new carpet and moved to 4' out the living room today. On hooking it all back up in its temporary room, I noticed my heater was cracked :(

money being in a really really tight place as dealing with a burst pipe in the home last week but I'm trying sooo hard to justify a 300w external in line heater and not a £10 internal job from ebay. Just don't think I can though :(
I understand what you mean. I've spent two years trying to convince myself that I needed an inline heater and I an still running the same old 300w internal.
Its not just about money is about trying to convince myself to replace something that works in my case.
In your case if money is a problem, I suggest the cheap internal. You can always go for the inline later when money is not a problem.
But the best choice would definetely be the inline. The less equipment in the tank the better.
The working issue has been a big hurdle for me too, although I'm now looking at it this way: do I spend the money on an external now, or buy an internal then an external later in the year, thereby increasing the overall cost. A little like cheap shoes vs mid priced walking boots. More than anything though I am glad I discovered the crack now than electrifyingly later with some floating fish.
Look at it another way.

Your cheapie stop gap will server perfectly well as an emergency heater should the later inline have issues or an excessive cold snap.

My tank needed both heaters in it over the coldest part of this winter. We are cetainly "put another sweater on than the heating" types which doesent help.

It wont be money wasted.
Lol my wife is a "put another heater on" type person :s

Ive got a spare 200W already: its what's keeping it all ticking over right now and is adequate enough when its not getting too cold at night, I also have another 25W.

I think ultimately though I think the internal will be the choice right now.

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