For those who have DIY tank dividers

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May 4, 2005
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Biloxi, MS
I went today and got some of the plastic canvas mesh. The stuff I eventually ended up buying was the 7 mesh. They had both 7 and 10 mesh, and also some colored sheets. For those of you that have done this, what mesh size did you use and did you use colored or white? I ended up choosing the white. Neither size seemed to block anything well and I'm concerned that the bettas will still see each other and flare. Am I being over concerned? Should I look for even smaller mesh size? I was more concerned with water flow between the 2 sides.
If you are concerned about them seeing each other too much use two pieces, the mesh will most likely not add up exactly, and therefore limit sight. I did that when I first divided and have since taken away the second piece. They ignore each other about half the time anyways. I am using the 10 mesh. For my 10 gallon divided I have colors, and for my 5.5 gallon I use white.
I'm using white 10 mesh in my tank, and the boys almost never notice one-another. When they do, they flare for about two seconds before losing sight of their target, and everything goes back to normal :)
Um... i don't know what number mine is, but the squares are really little.
I put 2 layers of it up and petey and gabriel don't really ever flare at each other except for a few seconds.

It seems to work great.
i'm not sure of the count of mine, but i have some boys who still couldn't ignore each other, so i cut a piece of background paper to fit the tank and block thier vision. :D
Heh, I use the larger squares in clear. When I put Sorensen and Luccien next to each other, Sorensen flared like crazy. Luccien just looked at him like he was an idiot. It's as if he knows the divider is there, so what's the point? After less than a day, Sorensen settled down. Every now and again, he flares at Luccien, but I think that's because Luccien taunts him. He'll swim up to the divider and just look at Sorensen as if to say "Hah, hah, you can't get me," and Sorensen will go off at him. It's actually pretty funny to watch. One of these days, I'll get a pic of it.
#1 Son reminded me that he still has my "old" 10 gallon tank. I'm thinking it will make a nice home for three bettas if I divide it up using the plastic canvas. It sounds like it will be pretty easy to do...
Yeah, we use the clear mesh also... don't know what size. Don't worry about the boys flaring at each other. They'll get bored with the other one and not do it too much.
newfishies said:
i'm not sure of the count of mine, but i have some boys who still couldn't ignore each other, so i cut a piece of background paper to fit the tank and block thier vision. :D
I was considering this since I am in the process of setting up my divided tank. I splurged and bought regular tank dividers, since I don't trust myself to make a permanent alteration I can NEVER undo to my tank... I got those clip-to-the-sides AQ2 clear ones. How did you do the background thing?
Funny you should ask this! I just divided my 2.5 Mini Bow tonight with 2 sheets of 10 Mesh... Both Fuse and Nitro are flaring at eachother like CRAZY! I'm hopeing they both settle down soon. :dunno:

good idea, keeping the advil by the fish, kara! They sure give ME a headache!

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