For Those Of You Expecting Fish From Me...


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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... My heat packs have still not arrived. I'm thoroughly irritated with the postal service, as they were shipped on Monday and should be here by now. Anyway, if they arrive Monday or Tuesday I'll still be shipping this week, if not I'm afraid I'll be forced to wait until next week to ship. Sorry for the let down folks, I'll let you know when they arrive for sure :(

As a side note, I also found out today that the moss balls I ordered on Aquabid over two weeks ago were "removed and destroyed" by US customs... good to know the seller was aware of all the required permits and such (he HAS shipped to American before, which explains why the auction said something about insurance being required on the package because they keep "not arriving", or something like that). Anyway, I'm pretty confident I'll get my money back... it makes me feel really safe knowing customs is protecting the homeland from the horrifying threat that is moss balls. :|
:rofl: "Monster Moss Balls Terrorize the US! --Bush to take offensive action!"

Oh, that was just too funny!!! Anyways, don't worry about us, I'm sure we can wait one more week for our little guys. I'm just glad my baby will be all warm considering the temp drop we have gotten recently. :nod:
Oh man... that moss ball thing cracks me up! :lol:

They do sort of look like little alien pods.... :alien:

Well, didn't you know? In Smalltown, USA, a gang of 50 moss balls brutally murdered an aquarist, buy turning purple with yellow polka dots and shooting laser beams from their eyes, which were conveniently hidden under all that green moss. Smalltown is now under quaranteen, the people live in fear, and a SCI-Channel film crew has already purchased the film rights to this incredible tale.

I will keep my eyes out for any moss ball infiltrating my mail. :alien:
:no: Even over here in the UK we still face daily threats from the gang known only as M.O.S.S... Did you read the article?

In a statement today, Ian Blair said he was 'dealing with the gang' and that his first priority is 'locating members and suspected members in order to put them under close surveilance'. In an attack last week, two cars were found covered in green slime, and graffitii rusted on in what can only be called a bizzare act of aquatic terrorism. Police are investigating the case of a man found unconcious in an alleyway with numerous bruises and again covered in the suspicious green slime. Forensics experts are testing the substance. One said 'It's really quite odd. It looks almost as if someone has thrown a bucket of algae over him, but that's silly. What next, a ganag of giant moss balls?'
Oh good, I don't feel so bad about the fact that I won't be getting the money out until tomorrow then ::embarassed:: Some little brat on our street has been stealing money from out-going mail. I had to get the money to the post office, and this is the first day that hasn't been clogged up with Dr.'s appts and college interviews. So, it's on the way - finally.
You guys crack me up! :lol:

The heat packs arrived today, so it looks like I'll be shipping at least a few packages tomorrow. I'm gonna try to get them all shipped, but it depends on how early I can get out of lab. The ones going Priority will be shipped tomorrow for sure, and if I can't get them all done then the rest of the Express packages will go out Wednesday :thumbs:
Wheeee! Well I do hope she arrives on Wed. instead of Thurs. then; I have to finish "packing up" from school to move fully back home. However, I've written up detailed instructions for my mom, juuust in case I'm not around.
Whee. I'm gettin' excited now. =)
I've been thinking about the priority shipping, especially since Friday is a holiday. Does this mean that the post office is getting the day off too? If so, it's possible I wouldn't get mine until saturday, or thursday if I'm lucky.
The moss balls story gave me the biggest laugh I have had in ages!!! Thanks for sharing!!! :rofl: :band:
I totally forgot about Veteran's day :rolleyes:. Any holiday I don't get out of class for isn't worth having, I say. Yes, the postal service will probably be on holiday Friday, then. I think I'll wait and ship the remaining fish on Monday due to that... sorry Elise and phoenyxrising :(

I did manage to ship for RandomWiktor, nino, sukie, and supersixone today, so be on the lookout guys!
I totally forgot about Veteran's day :rolleyes:. Any holiday I don't get out of class for isn't worth having, I say. Yes, the postal service will probably be on holiday Friday, then. I think I'll wait and ship the remaining fish on Monday due to that... sorry Elise and phoenyxrising :(

I did manage to ship for RandomWiktor, nino, sukie, and supersixone today, so be on the lookout guys!

I owe you Pocky!!!
Happy to say that Pitaya has arrived alive! She's a little chilly and thus inactive, but is acclimating as we speak. I was shocked at how tiny she is; I've never gotten to see betta fry "in the flesh" before, and did a double-take when I saw the little bundle of joy. Thanks s'much Synirr; I'll keep you updated on how she does once she's all settled in. :thumbs:

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