For the british


May 14, 2004
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You might already know this but it surprised me! This aquatics store will actually post fish to you for a fee of £10 -(and they are guranteed to be alive) its had good reviews from the people at the British Cichlid association and has some really rare fish and fish that are difficult to get in the uk- like Betta Crowntails!! Though it would be useful for british fish keepers think i'll be ordering some fish from them when i get some money !!

Tri- Mar Aquatics
yeah, don't mean it nast, but the site is poorly designed and laid out. However, they have a really good stock, and seem to be just about the only place you can mail order in the UK!! I'm going to use them to stock my new tank!!
There are other place but none have that amount of stock. I have used Trimar a lot. The site isn't too good but I think that it has to be fairly simple because it is updated every few days.

I don't really care how pretty a site is as long as I can get the info I need and at prices I like.
yeah, agreed, but its's not that hard to update a website every day. It would be so much better if it was slightly easier to navigate. But I do agree, I'd rather they had the stock and prices than a pretty website, just that they could have both!!
Is it just me, but I really don;t fancy the kind of stress that the fish must be put under in the post?
ChrisH said:
Is it just me, but I really don;t fancy the kind of stress that the fish must be put under in the post?
How do you think they get to the pet shops? ;)

They are packed very well and given room, unlike when they are going to pet shops. I have never had a fish die in transport from Trimar.
I used TriMar alot, and they do have good stocklists. But I have discovered other shops around the UK that are better. One such shop is Wildwoods just outside London. A great selection of fish and probably the best I have found so far, but then again I haven't visited TriMar in person, but I hope to in the future.
:hyper: Well I am off to Devon for a holiday at the end of june, so i might go out of my way to visit them, so I can update you then. I'm was just pleased to see that you can order rare fish from somewhere in the UK. :D I find all the LFS's round me seem to always stock the same fish, mostly platys, mollys, guppies and stuff. But i like the more unusual fish like the dwarf cichlids, bettas and freshwater gobies !! And i was getting jealous of all the americans going on about their rare bettas. If i order anything from them it will be a betta or a dwarf cichlid! :shifty:
Trimar are excellent, ive had a few fish from them and all have arrived on time alive and healthy.

Wildwoods in Enfield is definately worth a visit as is Wharf Aquatics in Nottingham, both rank in the PFK top 40 shops in Britain, as does Trimar as well.

Another mail order company in England is Oddball Express which i have heard good things about but havent used yet.

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