For Spiny Eel Lovers!

i came across this site once which calulated growth rates by untold means, so i didnt really trust them. but yeah its true spiny eels take quite a long time to get big. years to grow a few inches. what do u feed your eels stud?

mine gets the same as everything else in tank :) which is

- prawn
- bloodworm
- eatherworm
- sinking catfish pellets

I doubt it touches the peas, cucumber etc that go in for the clown loachs, prochildus etc

Thanks Neale for your comments too, I do believe that many species are fed incorrectly in the aqauirum and this sometimes leds to lesser max lengths and in some cases 'fat' fish, although the last comment I just made is not very accurate, as I believe some fish can eat and eat, and what isnt required is passed through without much processing by the organs etc. If I could say that ant worse I dont see how lol.

I didnt realise that they were becoming rare in their natural habitat, its a shame that a lot of pressure is put on species in the wild for our entertainment, but then it is hard to breed larger fish in aquaria :(
you should try brine shrimp and maybe small small pieces of beefheart on an occasion basis. my eels wouldnt take any prawns, they just avoided it. i tried having bits of prawn with bloodworms and they ate all the bloodworms except the prawn. i've never heard of eels taking pellets, if yours do then congrats! its really hard to get them to do so.

yeah also about the fat fish part. it looks really wrong. as though the fish is bloated. i take extra care to make sure that doesnt happen to my eels.
you should try brine shrimp and maybe small small pieces of beefheart on an occasion basis. my eels wouldnt take any prawns, they just avoided it. i tried having bits of prawn with bloodworms and they ate all the bloodworms except the prawn. i've never heard of eels taking pellets, if yours do then congrats! its really hard to get them to do so.

yeah also about the fat fish part. it looks really wrong. as though the fish is bloated. i take extra care to make sure that doesnt happen to my eels.

by fat I ment over weight, obese :crazy:

brineshrimp would last long enough in the tank, it it full of large, fast, and greedy fish. Also I dont want to feed any of the fish beef heart, due to the mammilian fats, ok there are many in beef heart, but none is better than some ;)

finally managed to get some half decent pics of my fire eel

now you see me.

note the bulges of prawn he just ate, this was the only way to get him to come out :lol:

I'm off!

I'm back :)

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