For Pufferpack...

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2003
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London, UK
Here's a pic of a really nice puffer from the London Aquarium. About 4 inches long and the bugger would not stay still for a second which is why the photo is not very clear.

You can see the beak quite well though.



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are those freshwater puffers like figure eight puffers?
does any one no if they can go with gouramis and guppys and platys well right now in my 10 gallon tank i have 3 blue gouramis and 2 dwarf gouramis 2 guppys and 1 platy,

thank you,
Andre :D
are those freshwater puffers like figure eight puffers?
does any one no if they can go with gouramis and guppys and platys well right now in my 10 gallon tank i have 3 blue gouramis and 2 dwarf gouramis 2 guppys and 1 platy,
At a guess I'd say they are Marine Puffers. Figure 8 puffers do best in brackish water as opposed to FW. 1 Figure 8 could go in a 10 gal, but many think a 10 is too small for even 1 as they like lots of swimming space. I wouldn't recomend any puffer with Gouramies, they have a tendency to chew on gouramies a lot (my dwarfs used to ride on the gouramies fins like an amusement park ride, until they got ripped free :crazy: ). The guppies and platty might be ok with puffers, but they will get nipped.

that is quite a beak

Poor little guy's teeth need trimming :/ , their lips should cover their teeth normally, thats why they need hard shells to keep their teeth under control and ground down, so they don't get so overgrown.
man just your 3 gouramis need more space then a 10 gallon unless you have a emperor filter i suggest you move some of them to a different tank.
Definatly Marine...I'll try to find out a species if anyone wants to know.

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