I remember when I was a kid, (late 60's) going to the "pet department" of my local K-Mart, Kresgies, (or whatever). Way at the back, behind the racks of "Young Men's Clothing" and "Sundries" (whatever they are), would be a wall with probably 10 gall. fish tanks, filled with green scum. In them, would be turtles, comet goldfish, then you had 'exotic' goldfish. The 'tropical' section would exist of Zebras and possibly a Swordtail. (You could buy an official 'turtle tank' which was a 12 inch plastic bowl with a stairway up to a 1 inch plastic palm tree. This would make them feel at home, you see...)
You would then buy another 10 Gall tank, with the square, green 'filter' which you put inside the tank, under the water, with the expulsion tube simply shooting the water back out (underwater)- complete with fibreglass filter, and marbles in the bottom. (??)
You were supposed to "change the water once a week", which we never did, because that meant filling up a bowl of straight tapwater, dumping the fish in it, then using 'fresh', 'boiling' tapwater, scald the scum off the tank, fill it back up with 'fresh' tapwater (because it looked pretty with all them bubbles on the side), and dump the fish back in!
Daaaaadddd...another fish died.......whaaaaaaa.
It's all my Dad's fault that I am the way I am and everything! If only he took me to the toy section and pretended there were no such thing as 'pet fish'. If I ever have a kid, he's going to scrub that tank so hard, before he puts in pure tapwater I tell ya....
You would then buy another 10 Gall tank, with the square, green 'filter' which you put inside the tank, under the water, with the expulsion tube simply shooting the water back out (underwater)- complete with fibreglass filter, and marbles in the bottom. (??)
You were supposed to "change the water once a week", which we never did, because that meant filling up a bowl of straight tapwater, dumping the fish in it, then using 'fresh', 'boiling' tapwater, scald the scum off the tank, fill it back up with 'fresh' tapwater (because it looked pretty with all them bubbles on the side), and dump the fish back in!
Daaaaadddd...another fish died.......whaaaaaaa.
It's all my Dad's fault that I am the way I am and everything! If only he took me to the toy section and pretended there were no such thing as 'pet fish'. If I ever have a kid, he's going to scrub that tank so hard, before he puts in pure tapwater I tell ya....