For Danny

i noticed you keep the lipochromis matumbi hunters, i have 10 of these about 2", whats the easiest way to sex them, even as adults they look very much alike.

Very pretty little fish . Males tend to display a blueish huge to the top half of the body while females oare mostly gray in color. Males also have a slight point to there dorsal fin. Both males and females can / will display egg spots 2-3 in most cases.

If you look closely the males also have a blueish / redish trim on dorsal fin and anal fin. They are pretty hard to tell apart especially if the male haven't or aren't showing any color.
Venting them may be the best bet still. Have you ever vented a fish ? I only suggest this method if you are comfortable handling the fish and if you are somewhat experienced. This is best done holding the fish slightly above the water line. ALWAYS keep your ahnds wet when handling any fish. This jelps protect there slime coat and will cause less damage if any to the fiushes scales, fins.

Flipping the fish on it's back you would locate the 2 vents. Males have 1 rnd and the second slightly oval shaped. Females have 2 perfectly round vents. One is an egg vent and the other the poop chute.
Anyway you can take a picture of them and post it? May be a long shot but the chances are good I will be able to tell them apart.

Good Luck and keep me posted.
thanks danny,
yes i have vented fish before but only as a last resort, if i can id without disturbing them i prefer to.
will try and get a pic but they dont like posing for the camera -_- .
I bought some river shrimp yesterday for the parvidens, to try them again, :-( i spent half an hour chasing them round the fish house floor lol, man can those shrimp jump .
but, they did eat them that i got into the tank :D
LOLOL ever tried chasing a Mudskipper around the house ? That is loads of fun . Yea right ! Mine jumped out the tank one night during feeding at it was the FUNNIEST thing to see him hoping around the house. Not to mention how long it took to catch him.
Between laughing so hard and how slik he was it was tough to catch him.

I am glad to hear that they ate and excepted the shrimp. :hyper: Thats a good sign becasue it also lets you know that they have NOT lost there natural instincts to eat as they would in the wild. There are a few species I have kept that if not fed there natural or close to natural diet seem to loose interest in certain foods and in mopst cases will show signs of stress weather moderate of severe. Now I have not done any extensive research on this so this is from hands on experience with a few Victorians as well as with some Tangs.

I would NOT worry at ALL though cause we are talking 2 out of 69 species of fish I keep currently. Give or take a few , easy to loose track sometimes. LOL
:lol: that mudskipper sounds funny lol. reminds me of a time i came back from town and went straight to the kitchen to put the kettle on and i heard a scratching noise coming from the living room, thinking it was the cat bringing me another present from the fields out the back i went to have a look, only to find my yellowbellied slider turtle doing about 90kph down the hallway :hyper: . he had some how got out of his tank and dropped about 3ft to the floor without injuring himself. they may be aquatic but boy can they move :crazy:


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