For any breeders


Fish Addict
Mar 6, 2004
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Have been reading a few past posts and the subject come up about fry being small and not growing fast i think we would all love are fry to grow fast but there is a hormone that all the fry release yes, the anti-growth hormones released by all fries not just the biggest, will stifle the growth of other siblings for survival purposes. you cannot get rid of them.. it's part of nature. but you can keep these and other growth stifling elements such as ammonia & nitrates to a minimum, by making constant water changes (whether partial or total). i change my fry water only once a week and that done at 100%, and the fry seem to grow quite fast some will do it more often, the main point here is same quality and temperature, and make sure at the same time the bottom of the tank is cleaned.
As the fry grow then i put them into larger tanks i then start doing partial water changes every other day when i can...which is most of the time have been known to do it at 1 O'Clock in the morning so its done so as you can see its about giving the Babbie bettas the best all round lots of live food and fresh clean water as often as you can and you will be rewarded with lots of healthy bettas, that need even more care isn't this a fantastic time consumer.........well would only be watching the TV like so many other couch potatoes :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You're right,it's extremely important to keep the pheremones down,prevents the bigger fish from dominating and that way nobody knows what's what :flex: Water changes rock :thumbs: I do 80% every other day on my grow outs. Every day on the nursery tanks :thumbs: Just finished all of those a few hours ago :flex:
My grow outs could stand every day changes,but that's not happening...
Jars are a killer with every other day changes but once you get going you can knock them out quickly :flex:

Of course, with large spawns,no matter how many water changes you do,you'll still wind up with the occasional runt :rolleyes:
That's a very good point to remind us all about. I do 50% water changes daily on my tanks and suck up all the stuff at the bottom. The clearer that water is, the better you can see them grow too! HEHE :nod:
good stuff. After a few tips from Bettaman I'm now doing regular water changes and cleaning the bottom of the tank.

I found a few dead fry while cleaning the bottom of the tank. I have removed them but wondered if it matters if there are other dead ones in the tank? I've heard any runts or dead fry will be eaten by the others :sick: not sure if that's true or not........
I'd remove them as soon as you notice them,Gilly. You don't want your babes eating dead fish -_-

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