Foot And Mouth Outbreak Again

yeah, seen it on the news, hope they can contain it this time, :good: must be a nightmare for people with livestock
I was lucky last time working on a farm in dorset we had nothing locally. but at least this time it's just starting to rearly warm up and dry out.....

This desiease prefers cooler temps and damp to spread, so if it stay's hot and dry then hopefully they can contain it!!
its a shame that it has come back again, 6years earlier it was awful, at least they have culled the herd already without leaving to long, hopefully they have learnt from the last time.
I have 2 pet goats (pygmy) in the back yard... never exposed to anything other that occational dog poop (if someone knows how to keep a lab mix out of a goat pen, I'm all ears)

Im on the other side of the pond, and can't imagine having to go through that..
well this time theyve put almost an immediate ban on transportation of animals (hoof only) shame the government wont vaccinate the herds b/c of the cost AGAIN!!!!!!!!!
Well just a few miles away from the farm is a GOV research lab!!!! sounds like it's an airborn version or something possibly from there!!!!

:( just hope it dose not spread
Well just a few miles away from the farm is a GOV research lab!!!! sounds like it's an airborn version or something possibly from there!!!!

:( just hope it dose not spread

hope it not airborn, that would mean total havoc again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you wouldve thought with the last time that this lab wouldve had stricter contamination rules in place
Oh wow....i live in the US, but that is serious business.... I hope it all blows overr soon.
It is an airborne disease so its why everything is slaughtered in the radius.

I heard it could have come from the lab too, idiots.
fingers crossed for all of you with livestock in the area, just hope the government gets their act in order and sorts it out quickly.

random question for those of you with experience of this who may know;

in my new job i do business continuity, which is making sure if a disaster strikes and we loose vital equipment or can't use our main sites for some reason that we can carry on working. one of our main sites is in the middle of farmland, now the outbreak is the other end of the country so hopefully no cause for concern for us as yet, and fingers crossed the government will handle it much better this time. But if it was to spread and affect one of the farms next to our site what would happen? Do the roads get closed off? are you allowed nearby or anything? I'm totally clueless about this disease and farming really so I've no idea what the effect would be, but if it could affect us it'd be my responsibility to move us to another site and stuff like that so I need to know.
From what i can remember if the farm your site is on has foot and Mouth i think there would be no movements allowed,I dont think you would even be allowed on the site.
Last time ours where not infected but a neighbours sheep where hence the reason we lost our goats We had to have disinfectant mats down at the gate and all cars had to be sprayed as they came in and went out and we also had to have a tub where people could disinfect shoes before coming onto our property
Just heard on the radio thye'vefound it at a second farm near by lets hope it doesn't turn into a repaet of last time x
our site isn't actually on a farm (it's an insurance company, nowt to do with farming), but it's close to a number of farms. as others have said it's an airborne virus so if everything in a certain radius is affected it's quite possible we would be.
guess if a farm near us was affected it'd be best to move our operations to our disaster recovery site.

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