Food question, is flakes enough?


New Member
Oct 12, 2003
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Beautiful California!!!!!!

I have a 45 gallon and I feed only tropical flakes. Is this enough? Do they need live food? If I give them live will I have to always give them live?

Personally I don't think flakes alone is enough - after all, how would you like to eat the same cereal every day :no: Depending on what fish you have, you can give them fresh veggies, frozen bloodworm (I think all fish appreciate them every now and then) daphnea, tubifex and if you have bottom feeders, they'll need some algae wafers.
Well, it depends on what kind of fish you have, although I think any fish benefit from having variety. The different type of foods (i.e. frozen, dried, or live bloodworms, brine shrimp, etc) provide different nutrients.

Also I think the fish enjoy hunting the live them a challange. In my personal experience, my fish will take flakes even after I've given them live. I don't think you'd have a problem giving them flakes again after they have gotten a taste of live food. :D
you're right I guess I should have mentioned the type of fish I have... hmm, let me see now...

2 Black Mollies
2 Orange Guppies
6 Neon Tetras
1 Catfish, I think it's a Nose Pleco Catfish
1 Redtailed Shark
2 Hatchet fish
1 Tequila Sunrise Guppy
1 Redtailed Guppy
ya know what I discovered is my guppies and mollies ect LOVE the cichlid pellets. I purchased a bag of Hikari Gold Baby pellets and the cichlids don't seem interested in them, but everything else I have eat them up.
I also give them frozen blood worms, frozen brine shrimp, krill, shrimp pellets.
I'm always adding new things to their diet as I can.

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