Food for cories and pleco


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2019
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New Orleans
I have one albino bristlenose pleco and am planning on getting 6 julii cory catfish. What would you recommend to feed them? I am thinking of getting omega one shrimp pellets, frozen food once a week, scraps of flakes that my other fish don’t eat, and algae wafers? Any suggestions?
The food that you listed is good for Corydoras. As for the pleco, you can feed it algae wafers and vegetables.
If you have suckermouth catfish, you need some driftwood and algae in the tank for them to eat. That is in addition to other foods like algae wafers and bottom feeding pellets. You can also add a bit of frozen (but defrosted) and live food.
If you have suckermouth catfish, you need some driftwood and algae in the tank for them to eat. That is in addition to other foods like algae wafers and bottom feeding pellets. You can also add a bit of frozen (but defrosted) and live food.
Ok. I have spider wood in the tank. I’ve already seen the pleco all over the wood
On top of what has been previously mentioned, I like bug bites bottom feeder formula for the corys as well.
I concur with what has been suggested. The brand is important though, as there are some issues with cories especially.

As you have a herbivore fish (Bristlenose) in with carnivore fish (Corydoras), you will need to cover both bases. Corydoras do not do well on herbivore foods (Ian Fuller has detailed this on his site), so I (having a similar situation, Farlowella being herbivore in with Corydoras) fed Omega One's Veggie Rounds once a week. There is algae/kelp in this but there is also whole shrimp and fish. I have been feeding this to my wild caught cories for over a decade now and while I cannot say they are or are not worse off, only once a week may not be too much of a problem.

In addition to the Veggie Round once weekly, Omega One's Shrimp Pellets are superb nutrition for cories. My Farlowella and Whiptails go mad over these too.

And for a third prepared food, the Fluval Bug Bites do seem extraordinary. This is one of the most highly recommended foods for cories on Corydoras World (Ian's site) and from the way my cories charge around digging these out of the sand I can see why. I feed them twice weekly.

Frozen daphnia once a week, along with frozen bloodworms, but the latter definitely no more often than once a week. This is not a particularly good food, it has little nutrition, but it does seem to be highly appreciated by the cories, so a treat once weekly.
I concur with what has been suggested. The brand is important though, as there are some issues with cories especially.

As you have a herbivore fish (Bristlenose) in with carnivore fish (Corydoras), you will need to cover both bases. Corydoras do not do well on herbivore foods (Ian Fuller has detailed this on his site), so I (having a similar situation, Farlowella being herbivore in with Corydoras) fed Omega One's Veggie Rounds once a week. There is algae/kelp in this but there is also whole shrimp and fish. I have been feeding this to my wild caught cories for over a decade now and while I cannot say they are or are not worse off, only once a week may not be too much of a problem.

In addition to the Veggie Round once weekly, Omega One's Shrimp Pellets are superb nutrition for cories. My Farlowella and Whiptails go mad over these too.

And for a third prepared food, the Fluval Bug Bites do seem extraordinary. This is one of the most highly recommended foods for cories on Corydoras World (Ian's site) and from the way my cories charge around digging these out of the sand I can see why. I feed them twice weekly.

Frozen daphnia once a week, along with frozen bloodworms, but the latter definitely no more often than once a week. This is not a particularly good food, it has little nutrition, but it does seem to be highly appreciated by the cories, so a treat once weekly.
So the foods I suggested are good? Shrimp pellets for cories and algae wafers for pleco?
So the foods I suggested are good? Shrimp pellets for cories and algae wafers for pleco?

Subject to the brands and frequency, yes.
I also use the shrimp pellets for cory and they seem to really like it and it sinks right to the bottom so the other fish in the tank do not eat it before they can.


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For my little colony I use spirilla algae waffles, freezer dried black worms ( the cories love the worms) and fruit or veggie’s. My Bristlenose’s clean the plants, wood and ornaments all day so I don’t do any special cleaning except for the green spot algae that you get on the glass and that is only once a week with what’s left over.
I have one albino bristlenose pleco and am planning on getting 6 julii cory catfish. What would you recommend to feed them? I am thinking of getting omega one shrimp pellets, frozen food once a week, scraps of flakes that my other fish don’t eat, and algae wafers? Any suggestions?
They like veggie wafers but mine won’t eat algae wafers. @Byron Suggested veggie wafers, shrimp pellets, frozen blood worms or daphnia, and Insect Bites. He gave me a schedule on what to feed when. He also fasts a couple of days.

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