Following An Earlier Post


Fish Crazy
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
Cardiff, UK
i bought 6 harlequin rasboras and 2 bn plecs on 19th march and put themstraight into my quarentine tank. 1 died everyday for 3 days which left me with 3 harlequins and 2 bn plecs. 4 hays ago i diagnosedthequins with fin rot with the help of you guys. Put interpet anti-fungus/fin rot treatment and aquarium salt in yesterday and it has gotten worse over night.
To make thinks worse i have just done a water change and noticed a few white spots forming on a bn plec. what should i do as i cant treat both at the same time. These are the first diseases i have come accross and don't know what to do now!!!!!

Is it me doing something wrong.

Please advise me

Shouldn't of added the salt with the plecs as they are scaless fish and it burns there skin, so i would do a water change and remove the salt, do the spots on the plec look like grains of salt.
no they look like very fine specks. i have my 55g running with no fish in it at the moment and media maturing in a 20g. should i transfer the plec to there?
just had a close look and he is breathing rapidly. i shall do a 90% water change and re-medicate for the quins
That water change is too much, do a 40% one.
add the whitespot med, turn temp up gradually to 30, you will have to increase aeration as the med and high temp will reduce 02 in the water.

It's down to you if you mix the finrot med in with the whitespot med, but some fish if they are ill won't tolerate two meds, so it down to you.
water change done. i do not have whitespot meds so i will put in a 1/4 dose of finrot med (as 50% is still in there) and dose 1/4 dose of whitespor tomorrow. does thet sound right???
Just add the correct dose, and check instructions if you can use full dose with the fish you have, good luck.
Have you go any methylene blue in your cuboard.
all i have is anti-fungus and antislime/velvet which i bought yesterday.

If you could give me a list of what meds i should have on hand thet would be brilliant.

will get whitespot med and melafix and methylene blue tomorrow

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