FOB ( fresh out of the bag ) Zebra Oto’s

1st picture is the fish of this original thread… all I n this tank still doing well…

2 nd picture is 2 of the 4 I received today… they have been working the spot, that the plant that fell in, a week ago was in… they have been working it for over an hour now….
Still seeing as many as 3 out of 4 of the last bag of these, that got put I. The medium cichlid tank… surprising myself on that one…
I got to watch my 2 year old zebra Oto eat a whole frozen blood worm last night at cocktail feeding… that was kind of a surprise… I’ve only ever seen it eat biofilms before… it’s a little bigger than the new ones I’ve been getting lately, but not significantly… maybe some of the others are taking brine shrimp, off surfaces they land on… the blood worm last night had landed on a leaf, but it was a bigger, full blood worm, so a big bite for a little fish
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