Flying Fox

Jimmy Twotimes

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Herts, UK

My tank is still cycling and while this is going on I keep changing my mind as to what I'm gonna keep once its up and running!!

My tank is 36inches long x 15inches wide x 18inches high (bout 32 gallonsUK). I have decided on 6 Zebra Danios, 6 Kuhli Loaches and 3/4 guppies as definates.

I'm debating on some Platys, Dwarf Corys, Tetras and a Flying Fox. I have no idea how big these flying foxes can get or whether they are suitbale for my community of peaceful fish...

Any ideas?


I have had flying foxes for quite a while. They tend to get to no more than 5-6 inches in my experience.

Put them in the tank as small fish - they are less aggressive that way. They're fine in a community tank, although they're not keen on sharing with shrimp.....!
Thanks Bob.

I know they are good algae eaters so I wanted to get one. Are they shoalers or can I have just one?

Wont be getting any shrimp(other than the freeze dried type!) so no problem there....!

Jimmy Twotimes said:
Are they shoalers
In my experience they are very territtorial and you would need a big tank to home two. Also, supplement their diet as if there isn't enough algae around they will opt to feed from the slimy coating on other tank inhabitants.
I wouldn't put 2 males in together unless you have a very large tank. I've had a male and a female for some time (until my nitrite spike of Sunday :angry: ) and they got along fine.
I think we are getting confused with the flyingfox (Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus) and the siamese flying fox (Crossocheilus siamensis), otherwise known as the SAE.

The flying fox is a aggressive loner similar to redtail and ruby sharks, young fish may eat algea but mature fish preffer a meatier diet.
The siamese flying fox does better in small groups and is a excellent algea eater.
So with a Siamese flying fox I will have no aggression towards other bottom dwellers or other fish...?

This is so complicated sometimes!!!

The siamese flying fox, also known as siamese algae eater, won't harm other fish. Just remember that they are shoalers, so get 3 or more of them.
were they actually flying foxes or otos? just checking because sometimes fish shops will label them as each other..........................
Good point, MANY_A_MOLLY. Here's a couple of links someone else posted on these forums a few weeks ago that I thought could be useful.

Algae Eating Cyprinids

Scroll down on this page to see a comparison between fish that look similar to the Siamese algae eater.
Siamese Algae Eater

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