Flying Fox & Bala Sharks Together?!


Fish Fanatic
Nov 23, 2008
Reaction score
UK, South
Me again :D

Just thinking about adding 3 juve bala sharks to my 400l community in the future, however I have one juve flying fox,
is it a bad idea to mix these two?

Me again :D

Just thinking about adding 3 juve bala sharks to my 400l community in the future, however I have one juve flying fox,
is it a bad idea to mix these two?


Remember how big bala sharks get. They can get up to 12-15 in max (but that could take awhile), but 8 in fish is certainly not out of the question, we have 6 that went from about 3 to 6 inches in a matter of months (now they are about 7-9 depending. Flying fox might be able to keep up for awhile but at some point it might not stand a chance... not even from direct harassment from the sharks, just because its going to be alot smaller than its large, extremely active tankmates. Also, I would recommend 5 at least, they do far better in decent sized groups (like alot of commonly kept cyprinids)
My daughter has a Flying Fox with Balas, and there are no problems. The Balas are about 6inches, and don't bother any of her other fish...including the Cardinal Tetras. Sometimes, I think fish are as different in personality, as people are!!!
Ok thanks for the replies. Im still not 100% sure yet.

Yes would agree about personality, it's curious :)

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