Or whats right with yours
If you have only ever had exturnals of the Eheim Classic style, or only ever had Fluvals, yes they are easy to work on. If you have used something like a Tetratec or Eheim pro1/2 though, it is a royal pain in the a#!.
With the fluval, you have to un-hook the hose, suck on the end, place the end in a bucket, wait for water to come out, raise the quick release valve, put the hose back where it belongs, lower the quick release valve and then switch on if no water is in the hoses, or the same without sucking on the end if there is water in the hoses, and you are away. The alternative is to spend 1/2 an hour pumping the primer, or a couple of days listening to niagra falls in the filter while it purges having started it up with a full canister

With a Tetratec, you press the magic primer button ONCE, go make a cup of tea, then switch on....

Fluvals hard to prime, not literaly, but relative to other brands, yes, very. Mainly because the primer in many cases does not work, and for a lot of users, starting with the canister full results in by-pass

TBH, I'm glad it does, as it surgests there is no by-pass through the foam screen frame, meaning the rest of the media does not clogg as quick.
Re-quick clogging... I had a 404 on a 335l tank. Fluval reconed the 404 was good for either 400 or 500l tanks (Can't remember which now) and with a 1200lph output, gave 3.58 times an hour theoretical turn-over, which is ample for the tank. It needed weekly attention. A Tetratec EX1200 running the tank alone, also with 1200plh of flow, can go 6 months on the same tank now without attention. To me, that is a massive difference in maintanance. The filters have the same hardwear specs near enough in pump output, so they are comparable

The issue is the small media surface area after the foam screen frames I recon. This can be sorted with low-maintanance media set-ups, but that results in particles in suspension in the water IME

You can also go 2-3 modles up from the one Fluval recon you need, but IMO that would mean overkill flow in the tank conserned unless you can modify/position the outlet apprepriately...
All the best