Fluval U4.


New Member
Apr 6, 2011
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I have just set my tank up and turned the filter on. The filter is a bit noisy, is this common for this filter.
Leave it for a while, if you have just set it up it probably has some air in it somewhere. Give it a light shake while it is running & see what happens.
Thanks Tom, its sounds like the lmpeller has a rattle. Its not too loud, i guess it must be how it is.
I have a U4 (used to run two on one tank) and they are pretty much silent... Infact they are silent.

Hiya James, do you have yours fully submerged or with the top just out of the water. If i fully submerge mine it goes quiet. Its just a bit of noise from the impeller, nothing too loud. I just wondered about the noise as this is my first tank.
Hiya James, do you have yours fully submerged or with the top just out of the water. If i fully submerge mine it goes quiet. Its just a bit of noise from the impeller, nothing too loud. I just wondered about the noise as this is my first tank.

Fully submerged now, as I have an external running on that tank aswell. But I used to have the top out of the water, so I could just hear the ripples.

Why don't you keep yours fully submerged but the point the water output at the top upwards so it agitates the water (and creates oxygen in the water) but remains quiet?

Got back in touch with my seller and they said it sounds like a defective impeller shaft. They are going to send me some new parts monday. Great service.

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