Fluval U Series Filter Problems


Fish Fanatic
Aug 22, 2009
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Hi All,

I hope someone may be able to help with this.

My U3 has been a nightmare recently. It often has reduced flow & after water changes, it refused to work at all. Almost every time I do a water change, I have to take the filter completely apart, clean it all out, tap the impreller and it usually starts up. But I shouldn't need to do this so often. It seems to block up very easily.

I think the problem is that it has to be turned off during a water change, so any dirt within the filter then settles on the bottom & blocks the inlet.

I also find it very difficult to detach the bottom part of the filter & to re-attach it.

My only solution I can think of is to be more thorough with gravel vac etc to try to lessen the amount of dirt in the filter itself.


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