Fluval Or Eheim

Hmm so there are personal home filters I can get that have dueal inlet and outlet filters? So I could theoretically use one larger filter for two small tanks, and only need to do a water change on one tank instead of two etc.?
Hmm so there are personal home filters I can get that have dueal inlet and outlet filters? So I could theoretically use one larger filter for two small tanks, and only need to do a water change on one tank instead of two etc.?

nope.. it's just got 2 inlets so it collects more crap. only one outlet, but there's nothing stopping you putting a T-junction thing onto the inlet and outlet of any filter and spreading it accross two tanks, though, I don't see why you'd want to..

Even if it were connected to 2 tanks, you'd still need to gravel-vac both, so it wouldn't change much. I'd rather have two separate filters and tanks, personally.
Hmm so there are personal home filters I can get that have dueal inlet and outlet filters? So I could theoretically use one larger filter for two small tanks, and only need to do a water change on one tank instead of two etc.?

nope.. it's just got 2 inlets so it collects more crap. only one outlet, but there's nothing stopping you putting a T-junction thing onto the inlet and outlet of any filter and spreading it accross two tanks, though, I don't see why you'd want to..

Even if it were connected to 2 tanks, you'd still need to gravel-vac both, so it wouldn't change much. I'd rather have two separate filters and tanks, personally.
If the two tanks' water levels weren't the same you would create a syphon and the higher one would gradually drain into the lower one, especially if the filter pump was turned off

You wouldn't necessarily need to gravel vac. I haven't done a gravel vac since early summer 2006. I have three tanks run off a centralised wet dry filter and can water change them all by just sucking water from one of them.
Fluvals are quality products now. The old 10x models were HORRIBLE. The newer 20x and 30x model are just as good as ehiem.

I don't use Ehiem, only Fluval.
How can you claim Fluval are just as good as Eheim?

You admit you don't use Eheim. I, and many others, used to use Fluval until they broke. To point out I used 204 and CFC had the 304. The new x05 series is just a reshaped x04.

Fluval will never be as good as Eheim without some major changes in the design and quality control departments of both factories.

The acid test is to talk to professionals and people who have been in the hobby for years. They will (pretty much to a man) say Eheim are the best.

...because I used to own a Ehiem but I sold it? I didn't personally care for the Eheim.
This is...oh geez..(my mind is going)..I think the fourth year I have owned one of my fluvals and I have never had a leak, never had a part go, or ever had a burn out. Running perfectly. The only thing that I had to do in the past 4 years or so to do is change the tubing because I moved the filter and the tube was too short on the one size...
Wow, 4 years? In that case I must re-evaluate all those 10-20+ year old eheims that are still working.

I shall also ignore the fact that so many people have problems with fluvals that you are the exception and not the rule.

I said only four years because I can only speak for my own experiances. It is a good idea to do.
If you want personal experience head to MFk. They have (or at least had) a pinned topic for the longest running filters. Check out just how many are Eheims, and just how long they have been running.

As mentioned before, you get what you pay for and as such, there's a good reason fluval's aren't as expensive as Eheims.
ok, so i am going to go with an eheim, but i am still confused as to which model to get...

i am going to run my aqua one external on one side which pumps 700 litres per hour. which one would be best to run aside with this one? the 2026 or 2028? if the 2028 is going to be too powerful, i can extend the spraybar to reduce the strength... but which one would be more suitable? its only a thin tank but pretty long lol.

i have a feeling maybe the 2026? but then the 2028 does that extra 100lph which isn't that much... so maybe the 2028??? i am so confused!
I have no experiance of Ehiem, so I can't comment on them.
But I do have a Fluval FX5 which has run perfectly for the last year. This will run a tank upto 1,500 Litres. It is very quiet, and I mean quiet, the only way you know it's running is from the ripples on the surface.
I purchased a smaller Interpret internal filter for my Quarantine tank, and I can't get to sleep with the damn thing running. I'm so glad have no poorly fish at the moment!
I think it would be fare to say that Fluval had problems several years ago, but I would not discount Fluval today, they also have excelant support if you have any questions.

Ehiem users will argue their's are just as quiet, we'll my mate has an Ehiem 2028 and he said mine was quiter :p combine that with better water flow, more media. BINGO

Long live the new king..................................
Ehiem users will argue their's are just as quiet, we'll my mate has an Ehiem 2028 and he said mine was quiter :p combine that with better water flow, more media. BINGO

Long live the new king..................................
The eheim that is in the same scale as the FX5 is quieter. Lab tests showed about 20 dB quieter.

And in the same lab test the Eheim out performed the Fluval in converting ammonia to nitrate by 2 days (11 instead of 13) as most of the fluval media is just sponge. Finally, the Fluval has more flow at far more cost in electricity and doesn't run close to the stated flow rate.

There is little difference between the FX5 and the equivalent Eheim. The Eheim is the better filter, but it costs a fair bit more.
The eheim that is in the same scale as the FX5 is quieter. Lab tests showed about 20 dB quieter.

And in the same lab test the Eheim out performed the Fluval in converting ammonia to nitrate by 2 days (11 instead of 13) as most of the fluval media is just sponge. Finally, the Fluval has more flow at far more cost in electricity and doesn't run close to the stated flow rate.

There is little difference between the FX5 and the equivalent Eheim. The Eheim is the better filter, but it costs a fair bit more.

I can't argue with lab tests on noise, but if it's 20db quiter, then I'm impressed. However, I would say the media is 60/40 in favour of the biological media.
I also use Eheim Ehfimech for my biological media, therefore i'm sure my Fluval would match the Eheim on Ammonia/Nitrite conversion.
When I did my research I found the Fluval FX5, beat the Ehiem on flow rate and media content, remind me, what is the Ehiem equivilent ?

I would be interested to see the the lab results, have you a link?
I think the Eheim Pro 3 2080 is the equivalent. I dont know if this is the review andywg is refering to, but this is one I read when researching the fx5 and it was under lab conditions.. http://www.discusforums.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7080

Both filters are quiet by modern standards but the Fluval is a lot noiser then the Eheim measuring out at 43db @ 1 meter vs the Eheims 19db !
The Fluval is quiet but the Eheim is so quiet you have to check it see if its working !
That's a really good link, wish I had seen that before purchasing my filter.
Not sure if I would still choose the Fluval.

I like the fact that the Fluval does a realy good clean up job, over and above the lab setup I have polishing pads in mine most of the time, certainly reduces the time I spend hoovering.

Okay, if I had to do it again, I reckon I would buy 2 * Fluval @ the same cost as Ehiem. That way for the same money I would have better Mechanical Filtration, Biological filtration, Flow Rate and reliability (Nothing better than an online backup Filter).
Actully I might just do that.

Although, if I did not have the space I would go for the Ehiem.
Actually maybe I should buy an Ehiem and save some elctric and keep the Fluval for my quarantine tank, and as a spare.

God this is confusing, I think I'm gonna just pretend I did not read this link and carry on being happy with my Fluval.........
ive heard of fluvals breaking and leaking spilling water everywhere.... And ive heard of this many times. Now a more reasonable debate is rena vs ehiem, you probably get 50/50 with rena vs ehiem.

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