Fish Fanatic
<a href="http/" target="_blank">http
eheim 2260 $299 USD, 500 GPH. 18 litres Media cap
Eheim 2262 $430 USD 900 GPH 18 litres media cap <a href="http/" target="_blank">http
eheim 2080 369 USD <a href="http/" target="_blank">http
Fluval fx5 is 299.99 over the net at similar US shops. Considering the OP spent 400 USD on two filters there is no need to get a loan to buy a top of the line eheim.
Also food for thought :
Once both filters are cycled the Eheim can support bacteria that will handle approximately 3 times the bio load of the FX5 without showing ammonia.
It takes 3 FX5's to handle the biological capacity of 1 Eheim 2080 in a real world cycled tank situation with a pump thats rated at less then half the Fluvals flowrate. The FX5 is unable to handle ammonia generated at anything more then 37ppm per 24 hours while the Eheim continues to process ammonia at up to 123ppm per 24 hours.
The Ehiem is rated for a 1200 litre tank ...the Fluval for a 1500 litre tank. (taken from <a href="http/" target="_blank">http
/</a> ). (odd but the ling shpuld replace the #### with monsterfishkeeping to work).
It wasn't planned to by both filters and I really didn't have the money. I bought the Fx5 for $180 so I got a great deal on it. The Fx5 its self is over kill for my tank so buying a more expensive filter is out of the question.
Thanks for the info though.
Nah Mate you are the one that should be thanked, I don't think anyone has undertaken to do a comparative review over time like this. very good stuff.