Fluval Fx5 Mods

tropheus addict

New Member
Aug 7, 2006
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Lincoln .United Kingdom.
Have been running this filter for about 6 months now,on a 165 gallon Tropheus setup with no problems apart from internal and polishing sponges getting clogged and forcing the filter to shut down.
Have recently removed the ribbed hosing and added some I.D 25mm hosing that i found from hardware stockist that is not ribbed as i believe that ribbed hosing must slow the flow of the water,when i removed the original hose ,the debris inside the ribbs was terrible.Now the new smooth hose is on the flow is alot better.The second modification i made was to remove all internal sponges and replace with Alfagrog(a pond filter media) broken into small enough pieces so they dont fall through holes in the baskets.The flow is now brilliant.Finally the last change i made was to the outlet assembly which came with a two way outlet.I dont think that the filter out of the box was powerful enough with media to benefit from this peculiar nozel so i changed it for an eheim spraybar kit and placed it vertically causing a circular flow when positioned correctly.I have this filter loaded with biological media ceramic rings small plastic tubing crushed alfagrog ehfimec and ehfisubstrate my water now is crystal clear and debris now only collects in the out of reach places like under and around rock piles.Overall this filter is good value for money just a few floors that need modding to get the best out of it .Hope this helps any prospective buyers. :rolleyes:
I also have a Fluval FX5, I'm using it on my 900 Litre tank and I have had no problems with clogging, although I am not fully stocked at the moment and my tank is only 6 months old. I'm using both the fine filter and polishing pads in tray 3, clean it weekly and replace polishing pad every 3-4 weeks and the fine filter every 5-6 weeks. How often you cleaning and replacing pads?

I think the flow rate on my FX5 is good, but I have nothing to compate it against, although it throws my fish around if they get in the way!

I have also changed my ribbed pipe, not sure how it happend but one day I turned my pump on and loads of nasty stuff came out. Upon investigation there was loads of nasty stuff in the ribs, I agree the pipe upgrade is a must.

My best upgrade was to put a "Y" connnector with valves on the output, this allows me to do a water change at the flick of a valve, cost me £20, but worth it in the long run.
I also have a Fluval FX5, I'm using it on my 900 Litre tank and I have had no problems with clogging, although I am not fully stocked at the moment and my tank is only 6 months old. I'm using both the fine filter and polishing pads in tray 3, clean it weekly and replace polishing pad every 3-4 weeks and the fine filter every 5-6 weeks. How often you cleaning and replacing pads?

I think the flow rate on my FX5 is good, but I have nothing to compate it against, although it throws my fish around if they get in the way!

I have also changed my ribbed pipe, not sure how it happend but one day I turned my pump on and loads of nasty stuff came out. Upon investigation there was loads of nasty stuff in the ribs, I agree the pipe upgrade is a must.

My best upgrade was to put a "Y" connnector with valves on the output, this allows me to do a water change at the flick of a valve, cost me £20, but worth it in the long run.
I only clean about once a month but idont use pads now had a lot of probs with them only took a rock move around and all the debris i moved out clogged it in no time on the plus it has got a shut down when the pumps being strained and the inlet has saved a lot of my moss not a bad idea with the y connector i just simply syphon out the back door with garden hose bought just for my tank but might look into that good idea.Have a go at replacing the six sponges insde outer trays with ceramic tubes alfagrog etc far less maintenance and less clogging have got it full of biological media so a weekly clean would effect that quite alot i take it your using it for its mechanical filtration more than bio?
We've got an FX5 on our 180g, and it copes ok with our multitude of plecs. Must admit it's collecting muck in the hosing though - every now and then some shoots out, must replace it at some point. Never once thought of getting a Y thingie to do water changes with - would certainly make things quicker! But TBH I need to gravel vac at the same time so it'd probably be better to continue with a hose.
My best upgrade was to put a "Y" connnector with valves on the output, this allows me to do a water change at the flick of a valve, cost me £20, but worth it in the long run.

Doesn't the FX5 come with a purge valve, so you don't need the Y connector?
tropheus, if your only cleaning once a month then I'm not surprised it clogged. I chatted for some time with a Hagen Technical guy and they recommend cleaning weekly, he even advised to replace the fine filter weekly due to clogging.
I'm using it for both Mechanical and bio filter, and I think the standard setup does a really good job, I'm always interested to hear how everyone else use thiers. One thought, I would imagine you have fantastic bio filtration, but I would have thought not enough mechnical. Just another thought, I know from my fishless cycle experiance, if you don't put enough ammonia in the tank, the bio will dye. So my thoughts are maybe it is possible that your media is only maybe 50% efficient as your fish can not produce enough ammonia to warrent the extra media?
Therefore putting sponges back in will keep water cleaner, and you media will be more efficient?
That's my thoughts, let me know if I'm talking rubbish.

Lisa, I agree with your hoovering comments, I typically hoover out 10% weekly, but the "Y" connector allows me to do a water change mid week or a bigger one at the weekend. I simply turn the valve which direct the water traight into a standpipe I insalled next to the tank. I can empty 10% (90 litres) in only a ferw minutes. Then I turn the tap on from my resovior tank, which is pre mixed and heated. Then walk away, done all in under a few minutes. Check ot this link to see the "Y" connector, we'll worth the money.


Eddie, You are correct the Fluval does have a purge valve, but this is tiny and takes ages to drain. It was only designed to empty the filter, but you could use to drain tank. I recon it would take about 30 minutes to do 90 litres. Finally it only works on gravity, although I suppose you could put a pump on it. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the price, but now I've got it I would not be without.
tropheus, if your only cleaning once a month then I'm not surprised it clogged. I chatted for some time with a Hagen Technical guy and they recommend cleaning weekly, he even advised to replace the fine filter weekly due to clogging.
I'm using it for both Mechanical and bio filter, and I think the standard setup does a really good job, I'm always interested to hear how everyone else use thiers. One thought, I would imagine you have fantastic bio filtration, but I would have thought not enough mechnical. Just another thought, I know from my fishless cycle experiance, if you don't put enough ammonia in the tank, the bio will dye. So my thoughts are maybe it is possible that your media is only maybe 50% efficient as your fish can not produce enough ammonia to warrent the extra media?
Therefore putting sponges back in will keep water cleaner, and you media will be more efficient?
That's my thoughts, let me know if I'm talking rubbish.

Lisa, I agree with your hoovering comments, I typically hoover out 10% weekly, but the "Y" connector allows me to do a water change mid week or a bigger one at the weekend. I simply turn the valve which direct the water traight into a standpipe I insalled next to the tank. I can empty 10% (90 litres) in only a ferw minutes. Then I turn the tap on from my resovior tank, which is pre mixed and heated. Then walk away, done all in under a few minutes. Check ot this link to see the "Y" connector, we'll worth the money.


Eddie, You are correct the Fluval does have a purge valve, but this is tiny and takes ages to drain. It was only designed to empty the filter, but you could use to drain tank. I recon it would take about 30 minutes to do 90 litres. Finally it only works on gravity, although I suppose you could put a pump on it. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the price, but now I've got it I would not be without.
Will defrinately take everyones comments onboard but at the moment their all breeding nicely and am having no fluctuations in water parameters.As they say 'If its not broken dont fix it'Will post pics just not yet sure how to.

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