Fluval Edge - Marine Set Up......


New Member
Sep 22, 2011
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Well guys and gals its been a number of months in the ol think tank (sorry for the pun) but I have decided to take the plunge into the world of reefing.......I have joined up after being recommended by a colleague LEWISS

I have purchased a Fluval Edge, I intend to use this as a wonderful marine set up with some Live rock, a Yasha Goby and a shrimp.....along with some crabs etc!!

So far my set up is:-

1xBlack fluval edge with MR11 LED & a LED strip to provide further lighting for the corals (I hope)

1x30 gallon drum with salt water


1x 97p black bucket :good:

Well I am tomorrow off to the LFS to pick up some rock and some sand so that I can scape my beauty oh and a magnet cleaner, once this is done I shall post up some pictures for all your comments!!
I am currently in the process of searching for a Koralia powerhead and then hopefully i shall mostly be set......

I shall speak soon with my new purchases....

cheerio :grr:
Why the crabby emoticon in the end? I like the idea of an Edge, but you'll have to do some modifications to get it to run well as a Marine. Cool idea as a tank, but lousy execution. What's the planned substrate?
Give it a few months :

Had a Marine Fluval Edge for 4-5 months before i got totally sick of it.

The metal in the lid rusted right off so i had to pop that out, then after having the light unit replaced 7 times in half as many months, i had to remove the light unit too and put a TMC micro LED tile over it, then i had to remove most of the live rock as it was far too impractical, because of the flow (which is actually pretty good because of the HOB filter!) rolls in a different direction to what it would with an external on a tank so had to change the rock layout and cleaning the algae got impossible, had to redo rockwork every week with the big water change (had to do 1-2 extra smaller water changes a week too)...

Got so much work that i stopped enjoying it, if it had been a cube, id have been fine, its just the shape of it that drove me mad.

Good luck :p

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