Fluval Edge Marine Nano Journal


Fish Fanatic
Feb 19, 2010
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This is my first marine tank and before you say it, I know it isnt the best tank to start with but I think I have enough knowledge and patience to make it work, as well as years of freshwater fish keeping experience.

I really like the design of the Edge so went out and bought a black one yesterday, along with a heater, coral sand, salt and R.O.

The tank is now up and running, I have measured the salinity. On the refractometer it is reading 1.025(about right) but the hydrometer is reading 1.023. I am more inclined to go by the hydrometer though.

Other readings are
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
pH about 8.2 but hard to read against the colour chart
temp 25oC

I have bought these http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170549823248&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT#ht_2003wt_841 to replace the standard halogen bulbs which are very yellow. This will give me 30 LEDS of white light. I have then bought a chain of 48 blue LEDS so I think I should have enough light in total.

I have also ordered a Koralia nano powerhead to give me some good flow over the live rock. Currently in the supplied hang on filter I just have the carbon. I may also have a small led light on it 24/7 to grow some algae to help filter, as well as maybe some crushed live rock in there.

I aim to keep it looking quite minimal and clean looking with simple corals and probably no fish, just shrimp. However I may get some small gobies to blennies when the tank has matured. I am hoping to achieve something like this http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.fluvalblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/IMG_5068.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.fluvalblog.com/thats-my-edge-minh-trans-nano-reef-edge/&usg=__W6GoNEqSHrt_4dNiPj_EFnK4GN4=&h=483&w=800&sz=176&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=n3I5j1e_W9KrkM:&tbnh=104&tbnw=172&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfluval%2Bedge%2Bmarine%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1C1WZPD_enGB368GB368%26biw%3D1360%26bih%3D677%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=478&vpy=84&dur=4700&hovh=174&hovw=289&tx=195&ty=102&ei=S7LpTOHWGsGzhAeOrZEP&oei=S7LpTOHWGsGzhAeOrZEP&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0

I currently have a black laminated background on it, however because it is so easy to get water down the back, I will hopefully be painting it black tomorrow.

Here's some picture as it stands at the moment.



Hopefully, all being ok I will be getting the live rock maybe on tuesday but more likely thursday or friday

All comments and advice would be appreciated
I have started to paint the background black today using a multi surface matt black paint.

during the first coat:

after first coat:

I have also purchased a refractometer and it is reading 1.023 so I will be adding a bit more salt today to try and get it to about 1.025. If I get it right today I will be getting the live rock tomorrow.

I have also ordered the lights which should come tomorrow or wednesday

The background is finished and is looking great, so much better then the laminated sheets you just sellotape around the edges. The salinity is about 1.024, I will test again when it comes up to temperature but all going well I will have the live rock tomorrow and the koralia nano
looking forward to this

How big are these tanks litres wise?

I will be watching your progress because I have recently started up a 10 gallon nano and plan on going he same way. No fish, some easy corals, and im going with sexy shrimp. It is currently cycling.
i have this one
Ok, came home today with a few bits.

Blue LEDS had arrived, 48 in total, bought 3kg's of live rock and bought a Koralia nano powerhead

Firstly i wired the leds to the power lead and they worked first time. I used cable ties to hold them in place around the existing light unit.

The replacement white led lights came to replace the supplied halogen ones. However i am going to send them back for a refund as i have ordered different ones: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300477796276&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT#ht_3545wt_1049 : with surface mounted leds which should be more then 4x the strength of normal led ones. This will give me 24 white leds in total


full tank shot with just the blue leds:


Live rock in place with just the supplied halogen lights. I had to break some bits off to get it to fit through the gap in the top of the edge but i put these bits in the filter. I bought about 3kg's however my friend has some dead live rock for me that I will put in when I get it because I know I probably need some more


full tank shot with both supplied halogen lights and blue leds


Life! I have counted about 3 turbo snails and a hermit crab



because the blue leds came in two strips of 24 I just twisted the wires together and then soldered them onto the power wires (from the transformer) firstly this should be ok shouldn't it, they work ok. I am thinking about getting some more leds. would i be able to use the existing power supply to power 3 chains of leds. I am thinking that as they use such little power it should be fine

secondly. How long should I have the main white led lights on for each day and how long should I have the blue led lights on for?

thrdly. I found this coral type thing left in the bag when i took the live rock out. It was very cold so i put it straight in the tank, it had been out of water for about 2 hours. does anyone know what it is and is there any chance of it surviving?


finally are these small red growths anything to be worried about? there are quite alot on the larger piece of live rock


will be an interesting set up :D
love to see how the tank will get on when its stocked :good:

Does anyone know the name of this coral. It has opened up nicely today



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