Fluval 405 Spare Parts


Fish Fanatic
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
I bought a fluval 405 less than 2 months ago, at the weekend I decided to give it a good clean as I noticed that the water in my tank was not just quite as clear as it had been.

So after cleaning the filter i started putting the filter media back in the case and found it quick a struggle and used a bit excess force and burst the side of my case. It turned out that i was putting the media holder in upside down. I feel so stupid for doing this but to make matters worse all my normal fish store do not stock or cannot source me a 405 case

Does anyone know anywhere in the UK I could order one?

Any help would be very grateful as my only other option is to buy a new one

Thanks in advance

I don't sorry, but I would recommend you phone/email Hagen customer service as they recommend in the manual, will probably work out cheaper anyway :).
Must have took some force to split the case. I used to be able to stand on my old Fluval (in fact I had to to get the motor head to seal porperly, don't ask) and that never bust it, I weigh about 11 stone, and I was doing this weekly for about 4-6 months...

Applying Vasaline won't just protect the seal from breaking on you (something Fluval's seals have a habbit of doing), but they also make it easier to re-fit the motor head :good:

All the best
Thanks for the replys.

I have now sent am email to Hagen explaining my situation.

s007 - I registered with fluvalparts.com earlier and went to the checkout, in the states the delivery was about $9 standard but as soon as i put uk it was coming up with $0.00 which kind of worried me, and if hagen cant help me i will buy it from the link you supplied for e-bay, cheers!!!!

rabbut - yeh i know, i did kind of loose my temper thinking the case had warped or something, so just kept shoving the media baskets as hard as i could :crazy: (Lesson Learned!!)

Again thanks for all your help so far


just to give an update for user Three Fingers :good:

Thanks for pointing me to Hagen Customer Services, they replied to me and have said they will ship me a brand new one for nothing!!!!!! i am over the moon and my poor fish tank can go back to being super clean (only been running on 1 filter since my act of stupidity)
how do you email Hagen? I keep getting error message from their website.

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