Fluval 304 Bought Secondhand


New Member
Nov 21, 2008
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Having returned to the hobby after a ten year break and being on a tight budget purchased this filter secondhand so would appreciate some advise with the following.....

1. Aquastop system, presume that cuts water flow off when changing media?

2. Whats that pull up thingy marked Start for?

3. What do you recommend to use for media and in which order?

4. Whats best way to prime system (remember in old days having to suck inlet pipe to get water flow going then ram pipe onto filter (much mess).

5. Hoses seem on the short side is it poss to extend them?

Many thanks

1. Aquastop system, presume that cuts water flow off when changing media?

Yes, that is correct. Up=off, down=on, with half way being for flow adjust ;)

2. Whats that pull up thingy marked Start for?

This avoids having to suck on the outlet to prime the filter. After the first use or two, it breaks and it becomes easier to resort the the "old fassioned" way of primng ;)

3. What do you recommend to use for media and in which order?

I would use foam in the pre-screen frame, medium or fine, and then pack the boxes with Biomax of equivilant. With the tiny surface area in the Fluvals, there is no point in adding any polishing media, as it will just clogg within the week, forcing regular maintanance on very hard to work on filter :roleyes: (relative to other modern day brands)

4. Whats best way to prime system (remember in old days having to suck inlet pipe to get water flow going then ram pipe onto filter (much mess).

I personally plumb it up, and then suck on the outlet for a few seconds with the canister empty to start the syphen. Stick the outlet into the bucket for the time being, and wait. Allow the outlet to drain a bucket of water through the filter, before putting the aquastop into the "off" position. Sit the outlet hose on the back of the tank, open the quick release to "on" and switch the filter on :good:

5. Hoses seem on the short side is it poss to extend them?

Yes, with new hose ;) See BigC's links above :good:

All the best
Many thanks guys much appreciated 10/10.

See it's started again after 10yrs moneys gonna go!!!! Do I buy that Jewel Trigon or not hmmmmmmmmmmm


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