Fluval 206 External Filter Help?!

How long are the hoses, if you have enough slack in the pipes to turn the filter upside down I'm getting the picture that they're too long... they need to be as straight and direct as possible. 
glasgowgirl786 said:
I might do. The guy who sold me it is still telling me to tilt almost upside down and shake etc lol it obviously didn't work so he said to try filling it up almost full then prime then turn on and prime again. I'll try that too. Someone else said to switch it on and off every 2 secs for hours lol
Out of interest, when you tried turning it upside down did water leak from anywhere? It did when i tried and the guy said it shouldn't.

Thanks for your answer David :) I can't really tilt the canister to the left or right much or towards me as it's inside my Juwel rio cabinet and there isn't much space also with the tubes connected to it it's pretty hard but I tried my best and got as much air out as I could, I done it two days ago and it's still noisy...everyone else says there's quietened down in a few days but mines just seems to keep rattling. When I managed to turn upside down (not fully as hoses were pulling out of tank) no water came out (thankfully). It's got me baffled and pretty angry. I thought I'd buy an external, set it up and away we go much better than the internal. It's caused me so much headache already I wish id kept the internal lol

Kirkyarcher - I only just managed it! My hoses are straight as can be no kinks no bends
KirkyArcher said:
How long are the hoses, if you have enough slack in the pipes to turn the filter upside down I'm getting the picture that they're too long... they need to be as straight and direct as possible.
Absolutely right kirky, mine are tight so you can't turn it upside down.

Glasgowgirl, What about the red part that clips over the impeller? Is it properly in place?
I have a Fluval 405......i prefill it with declorinated water, i pre tilt it and keep topping it up as air comes out. Then i hook it to the tank and turn it on, doing small tilt until no air is being dispelled.
I will add, check your impellor cover, if it is not seated properly, it will sound like a mini cattle stampede lol. Also check the same cover hasnt got a cracked cover clip, really check closely. I found that one the hard way, sounds like its all clipped in nicely, until you go to turn it on, the noise is horrendous. New cover needed (i dont touch this filter unless i have a spare impellor cover handy lol)
Yep I triple checked that and it looks okay. I'm taking it back into shop today as I be really had enough & tried everything so I'll see if they manage it! I tilted it a bit this morning and once again water came out the side a bit so not sure what's going on. Hopefully they'll discover if it's a fault or I'm doing something wrong! It's my last hope & I'm not leaving there until they have it running quietly or I have a refund. Before I end up in the mental hospital lol
Ok so they set it up in the shop and it was near silent :/ came home set it up again and it's the same again, I don't understand at all just want to cry now think I'll give up lol
Nightmare. I feel your pain. I know this isn't the point but it might help a little. Try sitting the canister on a folded towel. I found that it helped quieter it down during the period it was settling for a few days.

Things always look and sound different in a shop than at home. Did they set it up inside a cabinet? If not, it definately wouldn't be as loud as the noise is greater when in a cabinet.

The only other thing I can suggest is literally letting it run without touching it for say a week. Do all the usual tilting etc to get as much air out as you can but then just leave it. Don't keep opening it cos that's just letting air into the system. I know it's doing your head in but if it sorts itself out then you're good to go.

I'll try the towel tomorrow, but when I pick it up the sound makes no difference :( lady in the shop said that to me aswell but I was trying to explain to her the sound was definitely the impeller not the vibration of it lol she didn't seem bothered anyway just can't believe it was virtually silent there. I'll try leave it like you have suggested and see how things go! Thanks once again for all the help & suggestions you've given me :)
You can also buy a replacement impeller. You get them in a maintenance kit which also includes the impeller, o ring and the impeller cover. From memory it's about £20. Might be worth a try as a process of elimination. I would try leaving it running for a week first though.

How long ago did you buy it? Were you able to see it working before getting it home? Reason I ask is you might be protected by distance selling if all else fails. Don't know if you know anything about distance selling but worth looking into. It could possibly entitle you to a refund or replacement. Let me know if you want any more info on that but see how you go first.

Only got it Thursday or Wednesday! Wasn't able to see it running unfortunately. I'll google it thanks :) is that not only if you buy something online? Like you said I'll leave it for a week or so and have any sleepless nights and if that fails I'll try that thank you
Okay so it's 2:30 am and once again I'm sat listening to this terrible filter sorry but I don think I can stand another week with this!! Can I try putting Vaseline on it tomorrow? & if that fails I think I'm gonna have to go buy an Eheim :/ any recommendations? Can't deal with this piece of junk anymore I just want a quiet filter that doesn't cost a bomb :(
If they set it up at the shop[ and its silent, then something in the setup at home cant be right.....strange
Right let's try to sort it :) Are the ends of the hoses beneath the water line?  Is there actual water flow? You've tried the shaking, tipping method to expel the trapped air, are you doing this while the filter is running, have you tried an extended use of the primer (about 20 pumps while the filter is running) to help expel the air?  I have Fluval 206 and 306 units and they are very quiet, still is strange that it was relatively silent in the shop that's the confusing part !
KirkyArcher said:
Right let's try to sort it :) Are the ends of the hoses beneath the water line?  Is there actual water flow? You've tried the shaking, tipping method to expel the trapped air, are you doing this while the filter is running, have you tried an extended use of the primer (about 20 pumps while the filter is running) to help expel the air?  I have Fluval 206 and 306 units and they are very quiet, still is strange that it was relatively silent in the shop that's the confusing part !
Yep hoses are beneath the water line, water flow is all good in both pipe, yeah I do it while filter is running however t doesn't seem to help a bit. Pumped primer lots of times probably more than 20 in the desperate attempts to get it to be quiet lol. From what we could hear there wasn't any noise but then again there were plenty of people talking etc. I set it up in front of my tank last night aswell just like she had done there poker straight pipes just to make sure & it was the same story, I'm baffled too!!!

Alasse said:
If they set it up at the shop[ and its silent, then something in the setup at home cant be right.....strange
Yeah that's true I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong :(

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