Fluval 205

gaz gun man

Fish Addict
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
Kent, UK
I've not got a tank yet, I have a Fluval Roma 125 on order, which comes with an internal filter, I have ordered a Fluval 205 external filter, which I have heard are preferred by most.

Will it give me better filtration? I assume due to it being external it would be easier to clean the media?

Are external filters better/more suited to beginners like myself?

thanks in advance guys
I wouldn't say they would be more suited to begginers as there is no difference in terms of how eay they are to operate.

I have 2. They will provide better filtration as you can fit more, various media in and also when you pick an internal out the water some of the waste falls back out again!

You have definatley made the right choice in an external, no matter what brand or model, can i ask wher you got it from?

Thanks, Aaron
hi mate,

better filtration is definately a plus point for me, being a newbie that might make silly mistakes!

I got it from Aquariums Delivered, I have already ordered silk plants, a gravel vac, water test kits, ornaments and water conditioner from them, I am awaiting the tank from seapets.com (ordered last Tuesday)

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